Thursday 24 March 2011

Haddock's Doth Provide.

All vegetable gardeners have seasonal pointers. Late March, for me, spells the season of Forced Rhubarb. Just to lift up those forcing pots and reveal the beautiful colours of new rhubarb, is an unparallelled pleasure.
At the same time of year as our first Rhubarb Crumble, we also revel in the appearance of Purple Sprouting Broccoli. I cannot imagine life without these two small (enormous) pleasures. Thank you Haddock's.

Gouge out my eyes, tear my limbs from their sockets, but let me always have the luxury of late March, home-grown, Rhubarb & Broccoli.
Both of the above were eaten last night, and, need I say it, both were delicious.
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  1. oh the little pleasures of life!

  2. I'm so jealous. Rhubarb crumble, yum. Sounds like Spring has definitely arrived. Time for us to head south. (Philippe e-mailed us to say our fruit trees need pruning and the grass is growing fast!)

  3. 21 C forecast for today Sue. Perfect spring weather.

    Are you talking CLAUDY? Trees probably yes; although isn't it a bit late? Grass probably yes too; untended lawns are beginning to look scruffy.

  4. I'm jealous...but...we'll get there yet. There were little nubbins coming up in the rhubarb patch before it got buried in snow again.

  5. Non - Philippe Masmauray, Labardamier.

  6. I grow it and F*cking hate the stuff with a passion.....I only grow it for loves a crumble almost as much as he does Miss Marple!

  7. Tut tut, John. Try it with Leek & Lava Bread Custard.

  8. We have a dusting of snow this morning, in my neck of the woods. Save a dish of crumble for me.

  9. I love a good strawberry rhubarb pie. Very pretty colors in your crop. It's cold and cloudy here, so it's really nice to read about your garden and spring weather today.

  10. On your side of the pond, Amy, you always seem to mix rhubarb with strawberries. I wonder why?

  11. Cro what is Leek and Lava Bread custard?we have rhubarb and apple together mostly as a crumble or just with a nice runny custard,it is yummy anyway,my brother bough to me a jar of pickled veg he had done yesterday ,have to leave it for 6 weeks but it has broccoli and couliflower etc in it looks nice but is a summer thing I think...

  12. Mmmmmm... rhubarb crumble with evaporated milk - the thought of it makes me glad to be alive!

    Broccoli too - goes with every main meal... yum yum!

    My mouth is watering...!

    Anna :o]

  13. There truly is nothing more delicious that eating food that you have grown...I love rhubarb and broccoli...obviously not cooked or eaten together!
    It is also so lovely to hear how much you love your garden Cro.

  14. Cro, on Amy's and my side of the pond we mix rhubarb and strawberries because the combination is absolutely sublime. Add a few scrapes of orange zest and you're on your way to heaven. (All enclosed in a buttery crust, of course.) Gild the lily with whipped cream. Now I'm doing that Pavlovian thing....
