Thursday 17 March 2011

Clematis Armandii.

This very pretty evergreen Clematis (armandii) has just started to flower, against the wall of our pool pump-house.

It doesn't do as well as I'd expected, here in France; we planted one back in England that is the same age, yet ten times the size, and needs to be seriously cut back annually.

However, it's all part of the springtime awakening process, and its annual appearance gives us hope for the days ahead.

p.s. When I built the pump-house, I commissioned a young local potter to make two traditional bird-topped, tall, green glazed, pinnacles, for the roof. The two birds (in the window) later fell off. Perhaps I should have asked an 'older' potter to have made them. Inexperience; I suspect. Never mind; at least he and his young family ate that week!

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  1. Our clematis (which will not show life for wweeks) looks straggly and poor on our side but puts up one heck of a show on the OTHER side of the fence for our neighbour.

  2. Gardening's a bummer some times. But at least THEY get to enjoy it!

  3. First warm-ish (50 degrees) day we have had here Cro...out to begin the garden clean-up and see what might be cautiously poking it's head above ground.
    Love those little birds...while not what you intended, they do look beautiful on the window sill.

  4. I may shin-up one day, and glue them back on again.

  5. There must be lots of different Clementis,mine are hot pink and pale pink and large flowers,they are a lovely plant.We have a similar smaller one as yours and we call it the Potato Plant lordy knows why lol...I love where the birs are I like the pic before I read the story,maybe the younger fellow just did not know his job well enough but i am glad they got to eat!

  6. Those little birds look quite at home on the window! Even if they didn't perch where they were supposed to for long - they're still nice! That clematis is gorgeous

  7. Oh, I love your clematis. Is it fregrant? I haven't seen a clematis yet I haven't loved. Can't wait til mine bloom.(usually not til May)
    And I say the birds look darling where they are!

  8. I'm really not sure, Linda. I'll have to go out later and have a sniff; but I think probably NOT. I've also just bought a classic 'Nelly Moser' Clematis, which is to go on the north facing wall of the tower (when it's finished).

  9. My little Mum used to have an evergreen clematis climbing on the front of her house, she planted it when she first moved in and it always displayed such an abundance of blooms, I always think of her when I see clematis. That photo of yours Cro would make a wonderful painting, I love the little birds on the ledge too.
