Friday 18 March 2011

Aubrey Beardsley.

Brighton born dandy and 'Art Nouveau' illustrator, Aubrey Beardsley, has lost favour in recent times.

Not so long ago his name was everywhere, and fans of 'Art Nouveau' gave pride of place to his reproductions on their walls. Now, he is hardly ever mentioned. Fashion is a fickle thing in the art world. Will he make a sudden revival? Probably not!

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  1. Surprising because I thought Art Nouveau was very much in vogue at the moment. (I bought an Art Nouveau figurine yesterday by internet auction - just hoping I haven't bought a turkey!)

  2. There are a lot of 'turkeys' out there. Some of them almost perfect. You're very brave!

  3. He did some very naughty stuff too, Cro - that never goes out of fashion..

  4. ....much of it loosely based on Greek Mythology. Any old excuse!

  5. I think Art Nouveau is making a comeback, Cro.

  6. I love art, but actually know very little about it. However, I do appreciate it and the talent given to the canvas. These that you mentioned, how sad, their work you've presented is very good. Have a great weekend! :)

  7. That's a fabulous drawing. I really like kind of style.
