Wednesday 9 February 2011


One of the sights that takes my breath away is that of a tiny distant cottage, with a wisp of blue smoke slowly rising from a substantial chimney (it has to be 'substantial').

In the case above, it happens to be Chez Moi, but it could be anybody's; it always has the same effect.

The sight and aroma of woodsmoke, and the thought of a cosy rustic interior; nothing conjurs up a more poignant picture of true country life.

Yesterday I spent most of the day wandering around HUGE shops in Toulouse as Lady M's 'Beast of Burden' (Eeeeeeek). Boy was I glad to get home to the peace and quiet of the cottage. I lit the fire, poured myself a glass of red, and sat outside listening to silence, as the heat of the day slowly faded away.

It was just so good to feel like a country bumpkin again; I've done my time in cities.

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  1. I know just what you mean Cro! I can't cope with cities anymore. Too many people, too many cars, too much noise. Even 'genteel' Bath is too much for me these days. (Rural France really hunkers down in the winter and smoke rising from the cottages is sometimes the only sign human habitation. Wonderful.)

  2. I sometimes hanker after a little place in the sticks too, but if you are as lazy as me, then you can only afford one place at a time. In the winter it's ok to be inside, in town, but going indoors on a warm summer evening is a real drag.

  3. Sue, I trust that you are aware that Tom (above) lives in Bath.... Take note of his picture, and tread carefully!!!

  4. I cannot wait to go back to the 'city' for good (three more years). I have lived in the provinces all my adult life and have yet referred to it as "home".

  5. Gosh Tom! I had no idea...

  6. That's so pretty. I too wish for a place with land all around. Someday it will happen, and i'll sit at my fireplace thinking of my friend Cro off in France sitting at his fireplace as well.

  7. I miss some aspects of the city ( good coffee, good shops, theatre on tap, an eclectic mix of people,) but I like you, feel complete when our cottage fire is lit and the lights from the windows can be seen from the lane.

  8. Chez Vous looks perfect! There's nothing like a log fire and lots of space!

  9. Oh, another thing I like about you Cro! Country living is so peaceful and good for the soul. I could never live in the city or neighborhood again. And how happy I am my other half agrees!

  10. I drove to Sydney again last night and was a nervous wreck by the time I reached the airport. Far too many people and cars. I much prefer the country life.

  11. Nothing is more evocative than the smell of woodsmoke. I enjoy a trip into a city but am then so smugly happy to come back home! I wander round the garden enjoying the quiet and absence of streetlights.

  12. I know that feeling well Cro...a homecoming to a place that soothes
    and feeds the soul.

  13. Oh, I know just how you feel. When I have to head "down the slope" for any reason, I am so happy to head back up the mountain. There is a certain spot on 285 road where I can feel the air change to mountain air and my whole body is lighter and more alive!
