Tuesday 8 February 2011

I Spy With My Little Eye....

Last week I took a road that I rarely take, and deep within the some leafless woodland I spotted this seemingly abandoned chateau.

The place was huge, with several towers, and fortified gates all over the place.

The Chateau itself seems to be uninhabited, but I saw a car and some farm machinary in a nearby barn, so I imagine someone was around.

What a place. I had to force Lady Magnon away; I'd noticed she was reaching for her cheque book!
We're off to Toulouse for the day.

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  1. I know it sounds trute but WOW...can you just imagine the stories that were behind those walls....

  2. Dare I say, Carole, but in Oz this would be a national monument. Here it's just another abandoned building; the previous owner was probably 'guillotined'.

  3. Please buy it Cro, then I could come and stay with you. You wouldn't know I was there.

  4. Think of the parties that have been there. And the children that once ran. The smell of the stables. I could go on.......dreaming........(sigh).

  5. Didn't Scooby Doo and those meddling kids find a ghost there, or some crazed one-eyed pirate, at one time?

    It's beautiful. I would try to get in there for a tour, but not at night. Rikes!

  6. Glorious Cro...go back and take more photos for us!

  7. The old buildings are wonderful. You'll have to go that way again Cro to find out more about the history!

  8. Oh come on Cro, be a swell guy and write that check! (Then all of us bloggers can come and harass you!)

  9. Le Grand Meaulnes! Didn't you catch a glimpse of Augustin?

  10. Pure magic. The stuff of fairy tales.
