Monday 14 February 2011

Jock, Lady Magnon, and St Val.

Once again I'm posting my little drawing of 'me-ole-mukka' Jock, who selfishly quit the mortal coil a couple of years back. Today would have been his birthday.

Goodness knows when, or where, I took this photo, but it shows Lady Magnon with the great man himself. It looks as if we were all enjoying a few glasses (or bottles) of rouge together in some local resto.

I've resolved to celebrate his birthday every year, as if he was still here. So Happy Birthday Jock, and Happy St Valentine's day to everyone else (especially Lady M)!

For more on Jocko (if you can stand it), Google 'Jock Veitch'; the piece at the top was his SMH Obit'.

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  1. raising a glass ( on of tom's posh ones!)

    "to absent friends!"

  2. I love the caricature, and the picture of beautiful Lady M. You're a lucky guy!

  3. OLd friends,what a special part of life they are,he would have felt honoured that you remember him so....hows the puddls going lol
