Tuesday 15 February 2011

The Annual Oldies Lunch Club.

So, here we all were, eating and drinking to our hearts content. That's my friend José (bottomish right) looking back at me. And at the 'top table' (in distance, in front of the 2 windows), are all the elected village big-wigs and helpers (all non-oldies).

There's always ONE, isn't there! This is Francoise (José's wife, and my children's ex-teacher) who left early due to an infected eye (I'd never have known). It's been giving her trouble for a few days; poor thing.

And finally; my mother told me 'not to play with my food'. Well, I've alway ignored such advice, and here is my sunday afternoon sculpture entitled 'Rabbit with a runny nose'.

I've never lived anywhere that has such a strong community spirit; where the young, the old, and everyone in between, are regarded as equally important and special. This annual 'oldies' lunch is a good example.

And all this (Champagne included) was free, just because I'm an old codger. What did YOU do for Sunday lunch?

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  1. In the top picture, the lady behind José who was sitting next to me (very bottom, middle), owns our huge village Chateau. Proof, if needed, that the Revolution is well and truly over, and all 'citoyens' are now equal (especially when it comes to matters of food).

  2. Great post! It reminds me of the monks who no longer can contribute to the cloister. They go into the woods in isolation and pray, coming to get provisions once a week and mass. When they don't show up, the cloister knows they are dead.

  3. Not far off Grouchy. We were looking around to see who was missing since last year!

  4. Jose doesn't look old enough to qualify. Nice Lapin, Cro. Perhaps you could have the lunch in the old dear's chateaux next year? (then quietly move in)

  5. I used to spend a lot of time there many years ago; a friend owned it in those days. I might post a picture one day!

  6. I love the little rabbit Cro. I'm so sorry Francois ' eye was so painful. Looks a great get together - nobody there looks old!

  7. I was wondering the other day Cro, why you left England for France. I think, in part, this answers my question.

  8. Looks like a lot of fun, and nice nice bright, sunny day. I like the bunny!

  9. Hi Cro. this is very like our Seniors Day in our little town the 2 larger towns 10 mins either side of us don't do this and the oldies come from there to ours!!! lol but we welcome them too...isn't it wonderful that it happens all over the world...also I know what you mean about the comment about to see who is missing ,this June when we have ours 3 favourites will not be in their seat, I find that very hard when I look out over the sea of beautiful faces.

  10. you are blessed to live in such a community, that's not easy to find these days.It looks like you didn't have to be just old to attend?

  11. Your Sunday sculpture is just as brilliant as Tony Hancock's 'Aphrodite at the Waterhole'.

  12. Your local community spirit is so very heartening. I want to live there!

  13. Oh, p.s., re your comment on my blog, I subscribe to Sitemeter.

  14. SMG, he didn't get the foot quite right, did he!
