Thursday 20 January 2011

The Wood Pile.

José (he of the chainsawed foot) has been thinning out some Chestnut trees, and I'm buying the lot. He and Claude bought this handy log grabber together, and about 4 cubic metres of wood was delivered to my paddock yesterday afternoon; all in a matter of minutes. I'll have it all sawn up and neatly stacked by the weekend.

Claude's also been taking advantage of the quiet season to cut wood. This lot above will probably be responsible for roasting our chickens, slow cooking our winter stews, and baking Lady M's cakes in about 2014/15. We already have about 20 cubic metres of wood in stock, but one can NEVER have enough.

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  1. Are those recently-taken photos Cro? Looks like Spring has sprung in your neck of the woods. We are still blanketed in white!

  2. Yesterday afternoon. It was a beautiful day!

  3. Sounds like you're set! Chop away Cro.

  4. I'm down to about one more day of firewood. Looks like you're set and I'm sure you appreciate your buddies' help! Good day to you sir! (found you thru Willow, my neice).. come visit LadyCat (my wife) and my blog soon.
    Lord Thomas of Wellington

  5. That's some pretty firewood, Cro. It sure looks green in your neck of the woods. Snow is coming down by the truck load here today.

  6. You can't beat a log fire! The log grabber looks a handy bit of labour saving kit, Cro. I agree, you can't have too much wood, especially this time of the year! We're back to heavy frost again!

  7. i feel just the same way; a wood pile can never be too big, and the sight of a well stacked pile is enormously satifying.
