Friday 21 January 2011


I'm still pretending to tidy up the studio, and just found this picture.

This little Swedish number is Lady Magnon. The photo dates back to a day in September 1972; the day on which we stuffed two small children, my box of colours, and a mountain of chattles, into a hired Ford Transit van, and set off for a new life in France.

I must have been 25 at the time, and Lady M just 12 (if her present age is to be believed).

I don't remember being at all anxious about moving to a new country, and, by the look on Lady M's face; nor did she.

'Throw caution to the winds', I used to tell myself; and we did. I've lived by that maxim ever since!

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  1. I have always been a strong advocate of people following their dreams. You only live once and if you don't explore and do a few crazy things you will regret it in later life. Sounds like it was a good choice for you and Lady M and your children.

    (Loving Lady M's beautiful, long hair.)

  2. did the same thing myself Cro...
    in Sept. '73...threw what little i owned into a trunk, put that on a ship, put myself on a plane, left the country I loved to live a new life in a with the man I loved in a foreign land 3500 miles from we were brave back then!
    Lady Cro is absolutely stunning in that photo!

  3. Y'all look like my kinda people.!

    Thinking of the Pat Benatar song.

    For some odd reason, Tom's comment section is not working? Have you tried?

  4. Bagged it all up in 74, then again in 89, 93, 96, 99 and 2001! Kids, dog, furniture, the works.
    If hubby came home tomorrow and said 'let's go' bag would be packed!

    What's your memory of that first year in France Cro..good, bad, hard?

    That's a great photo.

  5. Oh my, lady M is so beautiful. My eldest son is leaving for Canada next Wednesday for a new life n I wish him lots of fun and happiness and we are also selling our house for a different life too :)

  6. Jacqueline. I seem to remember that knowing how to say 'My uncle's pen is on my aunt's desk' in French, would somehow get me through. It didn't.

    We moved in September, the farmhouse had no heating, there were rats in the loft. It was fantastic; great. We loved it!

  7. Are you sure you two weren't members of Fleetwood Mac? She could totally fit in a rock band. She's beautiful!!

  8. What a fabulous photo! She reminds me of a fairy queen from one of my favorite childhood volumes.

  9. She's always been MY fairy queen!

  10. Hey Cro, we are not moving very far in terms of miles/distance but moving to a wonderful hippy eco town called Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire. Charlie goes to a Steiner kindergarten there and we have so many lovely friends there already. Just need to sell our house first though!!

  11. 1972 - those were the days! flares and tank tops and platform shoes. Brave New World! My daughter was one year old!
    Lovely picture of Lady M, Cro!

  12. Wow.. this is great stuff that screen plays are made of. Good for you and your Lady M. I admire your adventureous spirit! Might the sun shine down on your face and the wind to your back! old are your children and are they in France too!
    :) Lord Thomas of Wellington

  13. Wow, I'm so taken away , Lady M. is beautiful!I love people who are willing to go after an adventure! You made me laugh that your pretending to clean...thats what I've been doing all week!

  14. Hi Cro...

  15. Wonderful photo. Now that's the kind of woman who can go anywhere and conquer anything!
