Wednesday 29 December 2010


I particularly like Tabby Cats. Here is artist Dora Carrington (again) with her Tabby.

And here in a remarkably similar pose, alongside a very young Cro, is my French friend Didier holding our (startled looking) Tabby, that I think may have been named 'Tiddles' (surely not!).

And then there is Frederick Jesus Brian Magnon (Freddie), my current Tabby. A feline aristocrat if ever there was one.

p.s. Just after I'd finished the above draft, another Tabby turned up at the house and was desperate to come indoors. Eventually Freddie showed him/her how to use the cat flap, and I now have a beautiful young ginger Tabby sitting on my lap. I think it belongs to some small girls that live nearby, I'll return it later.

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  1. God, Dora Carrington looks mad. You, on the other hand, look as sane as ever - minus the beret.

  2. I love Bloomsbury Group. Dora, Duncan, Vanessa and the dark Roger Frye.

  3. I like to interpret cat body language. By the looks of it, Freddie is waiting for for food or some kind of treat, and is a little ticked that you took his picture instead. "I say . . . I've been sitting here in this position for a couple of minutes now, and all you do is flash light at me. Funny? No indeed, I'm not pleased Cro. Not pleased at all."

  4. I had an epileptic tabby named Xylophone who could leap to the top of the door frame and retrieve a bit of fur (from some Groucho Marx "nose glasses"). Except for the seizures, which were messy in a can't-get-to-the-litter-box way, she was a great cat.

  5. My favorite cat was a tabby very inappropriately named "Muffin". He was a huge unemotional tomcat that protected the manor with diligence, leaving tokens of dead mice at the front door. After a huge thunderstorm, some twenty years ago, he didn't come home.

  6. Hi Cro. we had a cat once can you believe that of Bob actually we had 2 over the years,Sebastian a beautiful ginger persian that ruled the roost lol sadly when we were on holidays the caretaker called us to say he had passed away we were all bawling our eyes out sitting in a Chinese restraunt and Bob in his eternal wisdom told the kids he was probably someones dinner! and then a tabby named Chucky, he was so named as he turned up in our driveway and Bob told the kids to chuck him over the neighboours fence as a new no cat rule had been made, the more the kids chucked him over the fence to more doors the cat found to scratch on to come in lol,so he stayed and the kids named him Chucky,we found him dead one day sadly on the side of our road,Bob gave him full buriel told us how much he actually liked the cat,suddenly something brushed his leg it was Chucky! he had just buried and bared his heart over someone elses cat!! lol it was hysterical in hindsight poor Bob no wonder we are not allowed a cat,Chucky lived for some time after that,we got him a collar that could not be confused with any other,just in case. Carole.

  7. Freddie looks very deep in thought. Wonder what cats think about?

  8. Do you know what happened to Didier? I will never forget when we took you over to France and Didier's mother asked us for a meal. Our mother being very "helpful" collected the plates up after each course and poor Mrs. ? must have been busy washing them to bring back for each successive course.

  9. Yes I remember that too. I've looked for his name in the local phone book; but nothing. He could be anywhere. Perhaps I'll try Facebook; he was Didier Ondel.

    Xylophone, Muffin, and Chucky, all sound like contenders for cat-awards. Some great cat stories.

  10. We had the most beautiful yellow tabby years ago, I just loved that cat.We named him Tamale until we found out he was a girl and changed it to Molly!
