Thursday 30 December 2010

Lady boy.

When I was small, I had a friend called Richard Hunter. Richard had been born a twin, but sadly his non-identical brother died in a very tragic road accident.

At my birthday parties my mother would occasionally perform magic tricks, and at one such party Richard was so impressed that he asked her to change him into a girl (believing her capable of miracles)! At the time it seemed a strange request, but I thought no more about it.

On reflection it was a very revealing occasion. Here was this young boy (7, maybe 8 ish) who instinctively knew that he had been born in the wrong body. He WAS a girl, but his body had somehow been swapped for that of a boy.

Richard was always very 'camp'. He was also very 'theatrical' and 'over-expressive'. We remained friends until the age of 13, then parted company to our upper schools. Sadly I lost all contact with him.

Richard is probably the only person from my childhood that I really regret letting go. I would love to know how life spanned out for him, what became of him, if he got his wish. People often think of trans-sexuals as wierdos or perverts; this was certainly NOT the case with Richard, his was simply a fault of nature. Whether he did anything about it; I have no idea.

So, if anyone knows of a Richard (or even a Rachel) Hunter aged about 64, tall, gangly, camp; please refer him to this page.... I would love to see him again. Thank you!


  1. I remember him well and have often wondered what happened to him.

  2. And his twin brother (the one who died) was as butch as they come. Strange world.

  3. Okay, confession time. My son Liam is a girly-boy. He has always liked to put on dresses and play with dolls. I didn't encourage it, but neither did I give him any grief about it. Things have balanced out to where he loves playing with superhero dolls and trucks, trains, etc. Once in a while he'll still walk into the room with a dress on and I'm just like, "Whatever." Who cares? You know. The rest of the world may give him grief one day, but I won't be that person. I love him and think it's kind of cute.

  4. Ah, if only your mother could have performed real magic.

  5. I believe you could find him/her if you really tried. After all, they could be thinking of and missing you. A good and worthy project while the paint is drying.

  6. I've been down most avenues. Maybe I'll try the back allies too. Not easy!

  7. Cro wouldn't it be brilliant if by some way out stroke of luck he read this and got in touch with you. I hope you do manage to trace him again or he, you. He could well be trying to find you too!

  8. Cro, have you tried googling him? Are you on facebook -- another great way to find people.
