Wednesday 15 December 2010

Kerry Katona; Super Star.

I sometimes wonder if UK TV hasn't completely lost the bloody plot; especially for its Christmas schedule.

I recently saw a 'trailer' for a series of programmes about someone called Kerry Katona. KK is an ex lap-dancer, glamour model, so-called singer, reality TV celeb', surgically re-modelled, coke snorting, wa-hey the lads, brainless, author (ghostwritten), Bimbo. (you're too kind, Cro)

Who the hell cares about this woman? Who the hell watches these programmes? Surely there must be a check-out girl, short-hand typist, or even a Madame Pipi (I'll explain that later) with more to say than KK. How much further dumbed-down, can gutter TV go? So folks, this is her; a STAR if ever I saw one!

Give her the money!........ NURSE!!!


  1. By the way, Madame Pipi would translate as Mrs Piss. These are the ladies you find in French public loos, who stand and watch as you pee, then hold their hands out for a tip. Beware!

  2. Actually, I feel sorry for her (this is the first time I have ever seen her, btw). There is a terrible craze for putting vulnerable people into the public limelight here in the UK, then watching in fascinated horror as they fall apart before your eyes. It's called 'entertainment'.

  3. the most literal sense of the world. The girl is obviously as high as a kite, not too bright, and being taken advantage of. Shame on anyone who watches her 'show' and promotes this travesty.

  4. The most frightening is that the irresponsible TV people are putting her forward as a 'role model'.

  5. She reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith, and we all know what happened to her. It's both sad and annoying; sad because every human on this earth is beautiful, and somewhere along the line she stopped believing that. Annoying because there's no use trying to interview someone who's as stoned as she is. It makes me nervous to listen to her force every word like that.

  6. In many ways I feel sorry for the poor girl, for, as Tom alludes, she can only go DOWN, and her audience just can't wait. It's ancient Rome all over again.

  7. In our country they call it "Tall poppy syndrome" we make people "stars " for the want of a better word then chop them down.This also happens to very sucessful people here,not only actors, writers,singers etc but polititions too they are todays "flavour of the month",next thing they are world famous and they(the press and public) look for anything to pull them down.Unlike Americans we do not revere the famous here we seem to be embarassed that they are doing so great and not happy until something "blots their copy book".Hows that for being full of Aussie sayings lol.Carole

  8. Sad, really. I never watch "regular" TV. I stick to PBS and Turner Classic Movies.

  9. Carole. A good reason for most of us to stay anonymous!
