Tuesday 14 December 2010

Cro's Fantastic Christmas Movie Project.

Less than two weeks to go before Christmas, and I've got this really great idea for a movie.

Imagine the scene. It's late December, and a handsome young cowboy (played by Tom Stephenson) arrives at a desolate prairie farmstead. His eyes fall on a shapened axe; he's hungry and thirsty and offers to split logs in exchange for a 'mess of beans', and a dip into the water butt with one of those tin-can-thingies-nailed-onto-the-end-of-a-stick.

The lady of the house (played by Amy Saia) is a beautiful, Winchester-totin' widow, sporting a suprisingly fashionable low-cut barmaid style dress; she coyly agrees to the stranger's offer.

When he's finished the logs, the handsome young cowboy (still played by Tom Stephenson) busies himself by fixing the roof, just as the first few (exceptionally rare) desert snowflakes begin to fall.

Carol singers appear from nowhere (played by Carole, Molly, and Linda), and slowly the camera pans to the tumble-down wooden barn where a cleverly lit nativity scene is in full swing (Mary is played by Willow, the Archangel Gabriel by Jacqueline, a scruffy shepherd by Cro, and the 3 wise women T Clear, Little Stalky, and Simone).

The snow deepens and a distant lone angel (Maiden Luxe) hangs in a yellowed sky sipping a cocktail, and singing 'Somewhere over the rainbow'.

The film ends with the lonesome stranger (Tom Stephenson again) marrying the lonesome widow. In true Hillbilly style, they find a huge deposit of oil on their land, and become fabulously wealthy. They move to a compact but adorable town in the UK's west country, where the now 'not-so-lonesome-cowboy' (yes, him) starts an axe manufacturing business in honour of how he met his wife.

So, wadda'ya think! Good eh?


  1. How strange, Cro. I've just cast you in my film as the son of a small town banker who is desperate to see the world, but cannot seem to leave the town or the family business. I haven't thought of the end yet, but I'm toying with the idea of having you throw yourself off a bridge on Christmas eve.

  2. What happens to me everytime you yell, "Cut!"?

  3. You could creep away discretely, and do a few booze ads.

  4. Oh, har har. Just for that I'm going to show up late on set every day, and slur all my lines like James Mason.

  5. Yes, and look after the screaming baby!

  6. Cro - this is blooming brilliant! Can me, Carole and Linda sing the Hallelujah Chorus like they all did on Linda's fantastic You Tube thingy?

  7. O'h Molly what a great idea, Cro you are a cracker! a hoot!! gosh I vaguley remember the days I had time to sit and daydream lol..you just made my day start with a smile what more could a gal ask for lol thank goodness you gave Tom an axe and not a chainsaw that would be a whole different catagory what rating would this movie be do you think,G,M,R,X...
    What time is choir practice Molly and linda just tell me and I will be there !!!Carole

  8. All right Mr. De Cro..I'm ready for my close up...

  9. Thank you darlings... you were all wonderful!

  10. Can I audition for a walk on part?

  11. SMG. I had you down as 'Camera Operator'.

  12. But my attention can tend to wander from the main event. You'd do better to put me down for the role of Sneaky Minx (I've had practise.)
