Monday 25 October 2010

New House, Queensland.

No, I've haven't taken up estate agency. This is my daughter, Tenpin's, new home in Queensland Oz. Her previous house was a classic wooden colonial style house on stilts, with open areas beneath, and balconies all around under a shallow sloping roof. Very attractive period living.

But now, with her two energetic small boys growing by the second, she and her husband have decided to move slightly out of town where space is no longer at a premium. It's still very much in a raw state as the building work was only recently finished. But when they have time, I'm sure it will become a beautifully landscaped and decorated home.

Oz has a lot going for it, and those who fulfill the strict entry requirements will certainly reap the benefits in the long term. I thoroughly approve of their move, and with 'the west' in the state it's in (and now inescapable from), I probably would have done the same myself.


  1. Wow Cro - looks fantastic! And not too far away from Auntie Sue - wonderful!

  2. Nice, but it needs a Haddocks. Get over there, Cro!

  3. Hi Cro,They cerainly chose the best state weatherwise as Queensland is known to be beautiful one day perfect the next (so the add says)lol honestly though it is a nice state and although they have lots to do I am sure they will love doing it,their home looks nice open plan..Their previous home you describe is what we call here a "Queenslander"and instantly recognisable when seen,the open area underneath is for the breezes to cool the homes down as our summers are so hot,I think in years to come as energy to cool homes becomes more costly people will start to build them again.The amazing thing is you can go to huge sales places up there and they are full of these beautiful homes ready to tow away that have been removed to make room for a new home to be built or shops etc,they are literally car yards but full of lovely classic "Queenslanders".Hope they enjoy their new out of town living,looks like they have nice views too.Carole

  4. It is nice, especially with a pool! That will get a very good workout, I'm sure.

  5. Bravo to them!
    Having one's children a long way away isn't easy...I empathize, but yes, making an adventure out of life is always a good move.
    Nice place for you and Lady M to holiday too!

  6. Carole. I did once hear of a man who was buying up all the old Aussie wooden shop-fronts, but not heard about the whole houses.

    Jacqueline. Lady M goes often. I stay at home to look after the cat and tend my veg' patch!!

  7. A beautiful home (although the previous one on stilts sounds more like my cup of tea!). Our young daughter emigrated to NSW two years ago. We miss her like crazy but comfort ourselves with the knowledge that she lives in a beautiful place. I just have to keep saving the pennies so that we can visit as often as we can.

  8. Sue, the old house was more my cup of tea too, but chacun son gout.

  9. Congrats to your daughter and her family! That would be very exciting! I know someone that lived in NZ for a year or so and have heard of the strict codes. I remember a lot of talk about mutton and Vegemite and of course, the Maori people.

    Oh geez, my code word for this is fooker. Seriously. Not my sentiments, but funny anyway!
