Monday 25 October 2010

The Apprentice.

Lady Magnon has been begging me to show her how to tile a roof. So I've given in and allowed her to get up that ladder.

This picture makes everything look so small; but it certainly doesn't feel like that from the top of the roof. Cementing those ridge tiles is seriously hazardous. Maybe I'll instruct Lady M to do that too!!

Oh no, it's monday! Can't we have two sundays? It poured all day yesterday.

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  1. It's looking grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

  2. and a damn fine job she is doing too!!! it is looking really good,not far now you are on the home run...Carole

  3. I think the angle of the photo makes it look more advanced than it really is. Still a long way to go.

  4. Looking good! I like the little slope at the end of each corner. And I also like the grapevine line that you have connected to the tower!

  5. How very clever of you to notice that. It's a very fast growing vine, so next year...
