Sunday 22 August 2010

The Sunday Story: Silent Visit.

I had a friend (let's call him David), who lived alone in a small rented cottage miles from his nearest neighbour. David was a wood turner; he made very beautiful bowls.

One morning, as he'd done so many times before, he went to the kitchen to make his breakfast of toast and coffee, and when he lifted the kettle, to put it on the gas, he found the water to be piping-hot. In the washing-up bowl was a used cup. He knew that he hadn't left it from the night before; he never did. And anyway, it wasn't HIS cup; it was one that had been hanging on the dresser.

David first checked the house; there was no-one there, and nothing had been stolen. Then he checked the two doors; they were both still locked. He checked the windows; nothing had been either forced or broken. He checked outside; all was as usual.

I must add that my friend David is a big guy; not the sort to be easily spooked. But this incident upset him so much that he left the cottage quite soon afterwards, and moved closer to civilization.

He talked to the local police about the intrusion, but no-one did ever solve the riddle of his silent visitor.


  1. Poor fellow,we have a resident"visitor" and she is part of the family.No I am not mad even researched to find out who she is and her story and he family members came to our home to "feel" gran.She is very settled and shows up now and then,always dressed in dark brown as she did in life,I always thought spirits wore white!Anyway my 89 year old Mum lives with us and sees her quite regular and thinks it is just great.I am never afraid(except if everyone is away then every noise makes me jump!).Carole

  2. It could have been worse - his visitor could have raided the spirits cupboard.

  3. Strange! Perhaps 'the visitor' didn't intend to scare him. Just needed a cup of tea/coffee and someone to be with? Whoever it was, was very tidy! Shame David felt he had to move out.

  4. As much as the romantic in me thinks she could live in a friendly- haunted house...I would have moved too.

  5. I totally believe it. Things like this happen quite frequently at Willow Manor.

  6. I'll bet it was a huge rat who got thirsty because she ate all the crackers in the pantry. Or, it was a vampire.

  7. Wow. So Twilight Zonish. I had an experience with my painting, "The Parkin Mansion" (you can see on my blog). I did an earlier version of it. It's an old mansion, really, downtown in SLC. I put my grandmother's little sister in it because it made it more period looking. Then I sold postcards of it to the restaurant, The Chart House, that was in there. Some guests of the restaurant on 2 separate occasions had seen a little girl in a brown velvet dress for a flash second. They told the receptionist about it and she pulled out the postcard (they had never seen before) and they said that was the girl. Just gave us all the shivers. I've had a lot of experiences like that with my art.

  8. I'll finish off this post by saying that this was no ghost. Someone must have had a key and entered almost maliciously. Maybe it was the actual owner of the cottage, or a previous tenant maybe. Anyway, my friend was quite upset by the event.

  9. Experiment: Change the locks, and if it happens again, it's a tea-drinking ghost.
