Monday 23 August 2010

Other People's Junk.

Yesterday saw one of our biggest local 'boot sales', at the small nearby town of Cazals. It was HOT, so we arrived reasonably early and spent a pleasant couple of hours just mooching around under the shade of the trees.

This was the haul. An ancient copper (I think) finial for the tower, a chain-pull bell to go beside the new gate, a 6 bottle wine carrier, a wire egg basket, a Ricard water bottle and two glasses, and a couple of rusty Moroccan 'thingies' that we'll convert to take candles.

At about £12 (€15) the finial was a lot cheaper than the terracotta one that I was going to have made. And, hopefully, will add that extra feeling of 'age' to the tower that I'm looking for.

Some pretty classic purchases, n'est pas?
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  1. Fantastic bargains, Cro. I love those huge, French street markets that quietly take over entire towns in the middle of the night, and appear like magic in the morning.

  2. Hi cro,great goodies you found,there is something quite special about pre loved items especially the very old ones.Our home is full of them as i don't seem to be able to find an attachment for "new" things.Well done and the finial will be perfect for your thingy that you are building.

  3. ALL of those bargains would be great here. You did well.

  4. At another 'Antiques' Fair at our nearest small town, there was some spectaclar stuff on offer... But the prices were astronomical; and we came away with nothing. Give me boot sales any day!

  5. Yes, tres classy, indeed, I say, wiping the drool from my chin. Gosh I'd love to browse this boot sale!!!

  6. I love the wire egg basket, and the Ricard bottle...
    one man's trash, another man's treasure indeed!

  7. I love those little wire egg basket thingys. Hey, you did really well at the sale, I'm impressed. Good hunting!

  8. Shhh Cro don't mention car boot - my other half will be bringing his Tranny over on the ferry! You did get some great bargains though. Can just see the copper finial on top of your tower! The bell for the gate is nice too.

  9. oh what wonderful finds! don't you just love others things! If I ever get back to france I'm going to insist on time to do simple things like going to a boot sale!

  10. Cro...completely off topic. Eldest daughter and boyfriend are coming to Provence mid October for five days to ride bikes. They are looking for hotel/gites near Avignon...any suggestions?

  11. Jacqueline. I'm afraid I have no personal suggestions; it's not an area I know too well. However, mid-October sounds like a very good choice of season, and the Avignon area wonderful. No doubt they will dance on the bridge!

  12. Yes...I hope they dance!
    Just a thought..thanks anyway!
