Tuesday, 4 March 2025

New proof?

Some very wise, and no doubt well-paid, boffins have recently declared that The Shroud of Turin is 100% GENUINE.

Oh dear, oh dear. Let's start with the basics. Looking at the human figure imprinted on the cloth, the cloth would have to have been rigid, flat, and laid lengthways, like a sheet of glass, floating over the figure for any 'photographic' image to have been magically imprinted. This, of course, never happens when a body is wrapped for burial. Bodies are 'swathed' in cloth; round and round, not up and down in one long rigid piece.

No, I'm sorry folks, but this is an artists image. An image of a Caucasian hippy with long hair and a beard. The classic image from story-books that we are now told would have looked nothing like the true subject matter at all.

It is 'possible' that the artist got some model to lie down, covered him in paint, then manually pressed a cloth all over to create the image, but even that I think is a bit far-fetched. Much easier to have painted it directly.

I doubt if the image was originally designed to fool anyone, it is simply an 'illustration' to decorate a chapel, or other religious building. Such things were created in an age when reading and writing was rare, and 'easy to understand' images were used to illustrate religious stories. What better way to illustrate a story than with a 'visual relic'.

Of course, if any religious tale, activity, or object, gives comfort to their followers, then that is fine by me. It simply proves that it is effective!

Obviously the 'Turin shroud effect' is still working.


  1. Replies
    1. Boffins think with science, artists think with logic.

    2. The trouble with you artists is that you destroy my illusions. Next you'll be telling me that Zelinski is not a willy waving conman.

  2. Some middle ages knight was one of the theories i read about likely model for this. Definitely not a shroud in any conventional sense of wrapping a body.

    1. No, of course not. No cadaver in the history of burials has ever been wrapped-up lengthways. Always round and round.

  3. People can be so gullible.
    You only have to read social media posts to see that.

  4. Logic and knowledge of form:
    Apart from it being toooooo flat even if a model laid on it....
    At the last pollen analysis, it was shown that it didn't come from the region!!
    Also, carbon dating of a fragment dated the cloth to somewhere around 500AD
    Bike [from yesterday]:
    Why aren't you zipping around on an electric bike?

    1. And this one LOOKS like a motorbike!!

    2. Yes I like the look of that one, but not the price. I think a Solex is more my style.
      re the Shroud, the whole thing is a load of hooey. How can these 'scientists' be so silly?

  5. It's a load of old tosh isn't it. Even if it was proved to be real, a painting or whatever and of those times, it could have been anybody.

  6. I am somewhat relieved that the shroud figure was holding his nuts when he died as I would not have liked to see them. Perhaps he was playing cricket at the time. Owzat? However, I agree with the experts - it is 100% genuine. A 100% genuine fake.

    1. The strategically placed hands were probably there so as not to get the nuns in the convent too excited.

  7. The most sensible man in England this morning.

  8. And who thought of keeping the shroud and handing it down for over 2,000 years, without it disintegrating.
    A load of old tosh is right. There are just so many reasons why it's fake

    1. And yet some Italian Boffin has recently declared it to be 100% genuine. Bonkers!

  9. Don't believe everything you hear is more important today than ever before.
    There are lots of smoke and mirrors out there.

    1. And plenty of scams too. You have to be so careful.
