Sunday, 9 March 2025

Last week's news (that you may have missed).


You really couldn't make it up! Drugs have become such a problem at H.M.Prison Maidstone in Kent, that the governor had decided to install CCTV (why wasn't there any previously?). However, little did he know that the prison was Grade 2 listed, and permission to install the cameras was REFUSED. Do these folk have any brains? Laughing stock, or what! 

People of my age never imagined that Woolworth's would disappear from our High Streets, nor Freeman Hardy Willis, or even Mac Fisheries; but all have gone. Now we hear that the newsagent W H Smith (founded in 1792) is also to go, but maybe not from our Airports or Railway Stations. The stores will still be there but under a different name, and hopefully doing a better job! If other stores around the country are anything like our huge one here, then the sooner they have new management, and business strategy, the better.

In the Socialist-run People's Republic of Birmingham they have a severe Rat Problem. The incompetently run Council became bankrupt in 2023, and with their striking bin-men (and more strikes on the way) the rubbish is mounting by the day; and the Rats are loving it. Even the city's airport has become over-run. The Council now even have the bloody cheek to charge residents who have serious Rat infestations a sum of £26 'Rat Tax' to help get rid of them. Whatever next!

Those charming pro-Hamas supporters have struck again. This time they have attacked 'The Old Schools' in Cambridge (above); spraying red paint over the beautiful ancient gateway façade. The building dates from around 1440, and is Grade 1 listed. If they really do think that Hamas did a good job on October 7th, there's really no need to destroy our heritage in order to tell us. I do hope that when they're caught, they are stripped naked and sprayed red all over before serving a very long prison sentence.

Perhaps the most shocking story of the week was that Tr*mp is to deport 240,000 Ukrainians, back to their war-torn country. Has there ever been a more insensitive policy concerning foreign nationals who have fled a horrific military invasion, to find asylum in another country?  Heartless and appalling. I could hardly believe what I was reading.

The Socialist ex-Mayor of The People's Republic of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, and his sidekick, the infamous Trotskyist Derek Hatton, are up before The Beak next month. These two charmers, plus another 10 Socialist councilors, and a sprinkling of wives, have allegedly been filling their pockets in exchange for planning permits. It just never stops with this lot; is anyone surprised?

And finally, Britain's new Foreign Secretary, Socialist David Lammy (above), has decided that from April criminals of Ethnic or Religious minorities should receive more lenient sentences than their native UK counterparts. The introduction of this two-tier system means that foreign criminals will in future be less likely to go to prison, creating an anti-white and anti-Christian bias. 

It used to be said that everyone was equal under the law; but not now! Oh dear oh dear; what HAS become of us! Has there ever been a worse face of Socialism!!!


  1. Replies
    1. I can't say it was a pleasure, because it wasn't.

    2. I expect the Ukrainians President Trump is evicting will end up here. They will go some way towards replacing our soldiers that Qweer seems intent on sending to fight the Russians. I noticed a shot of our leader all dressed up in army fatigues..........What a plonker.

    3. Well, I don't suppose the Ukranians will go back to Ukraine; they'd be crazy. You're probably right, it'll be a choice between UK and France; or maybe Canada?

    4. Not totally crazy. Many areas of the country are pretty safe. I just read that more people died in school shootings in the US last year than died in Kyiv in the same year. Farming continues although a lot of land cannot be farmed at the moment but farmers are adapting. The deaths reported today are in the east of the country where fighting has been going on since 2014 when Obama and the CIA interfered with politics in Ukraine. It is even considered safe to visit Kyiv as a tourist if you are willing to travel by train and put up with a few inconveniences like warning sirens. I have two friends in East Anglia who have had or still have Ukrainian refugees staying with them and they are beginning to regard them as free-loaders. One mother and child have the husband and father of the family teaching in Kyiv University and he has never stopped teaching, the university life continued. He has never had to fight in the war. They now have lots of advantages of British life and don't want to go back. They boy arrived as a 7 year old and has seen his father once in 3 years. I imagine he has largely forgotten him. I think Trump is right in what he is doing.

    5. I expect many of the young men who will return will be conscripted. But otherwise, yes, if they go back to where it remains peaceful they would probably be OK, but to just kick them all out seems very uncaring.

  2. Another happy Sunday then....never mind, I'm off out into the woods on this sunny morning to listen to the birdsong and watch what little wildlife there might be. Unfortunately yesterday's exped was ruined by a bunch of clay pigeon shooting nutters. They could do with being sent to Ukraine to practice their pot shots!

    1. I heard a lot of bird song yesterday; it was really Spring-like. I don't mind the sound of ordinary 'occasional' shooting, but that constant noise of Clay shooting is a pain!

  3. You are cheerful today!! At least the sun is shining.

    1. My own life is very cheerful, is just the others who are a pain in the neck.

  4. From a psychological point of view, this all represented a clinically "interesting" way of looking at the week's news. However, I do agree with you about Satan's* callousness.


    1. Everything is true YP; I never invent. Callousness has been super-re-imagined by 'The Land of the Free'. What a reputation they're getting!!!

  5. Another week full of fun and laughter then!
    When I read about the UK, it makes me realise why we left all those years ago...

    1. It get's worse by the day. We're becoming a Third World Country.

  6. Maybe kill two birds at once - shut the Hamas protesters up in a cage with the Birmingham rats, and see who survives?

    1. Excellent idea. They could spray the Rats red instead.

  7. Our news is bad enough. I'm happy not to have to see yours!!

    1. It's awful here, going downhill by the second.

  8. Cheer up, Cro. At least you're not watching democracy crumble while a demented old Felon and his unelected billionaire buddy line their pockets and laugh!

    1. Don't worry, we're watching very closely from over here. What a shambles.
