Sunday, 16 February 2025

The week's news you may have missed.


Andrew Gwynne MP (Socialist) has been given the boot. When asked by a constituent about the poor standard of rubbish collection, this non-Labour voter was told "Dear Resident. Fuck your bins. I'm re-elected and without your vote. Screw you", he then continued by saying he hoped his 'constituent' would die. Another (Socialist) MP, Oliver Ryan was his sidekick in a series of horrible antisemitic, sexist, and homophobic exchanges on WhatsApp. No doubt Ryan will have his bottom smacked too. What a disgusting couple of charmers. Labour's sobriquet of 'The Nasty Party' is certainly warranted.  Gwynne was part of Corbyn's short-lived shadow cabinet; which explains a lot. The BBC tells us that both men have now apologised. Well, like everyone else, I find that a tad too late. When asked about the scandal, Angela Eagle (Socialist) MP (yes, her) said "Anyone can make a mistake". Further investigations have continued into those nasty WhatsApp messages, and another 11 Socialist councilors have now been suspended from the party.

Harry and Meghan (remember them?) have been called many things since her tantrum caused their exile; most of which are unrepeatable. One of the earliest favourites was 'Ginge and Whinge'. Then came 'The Kardashians of Windsor', and  'Wonderboy and Wondergirl'. Meghan herself has been called 'Me-Gain', 'Duchess Difficult', and 'MeMeMeghan'. Whilst Harry was named after the TV comedy character 'Tim nice but dim'. I believe that the fragrant Meghan has recently been referred-to as 'Terrible' by a well-known US politician. Any further suggestions would be welcome.

Another mixture of politics and rubbish collection has also recently surfaced. In many Socialist run cities, the lack of rubbish collection is causing huge infestations of RATS. I hear that in Birmingham (below) and Southampton people are afraid to open their doors in case rats should run in and take-over. A tad exaggerated methinks, but rats are never pleasant; even of the animal kind.

The UK courts made two interesting decisions this week. Firstly an Albanian criminal escaped deportation because of his son's love of English 'Chicken Nuggets', and a Pakistani paedophile also escaped deportation because it might 'upset his children'. Well done those Judges; I hope they pay you well. 

The latest 'country folk' to be harassed are Shotgun owners. They really don't like the 'Huntin' and Shootin' fraternity (Fishin' is OK, as it's a lower class sport), and they wish to reduce shotgun ownership. That weekend shooting party on Lord Snooty's Cotswold estate may well soon become a thing of the past, with another few thousands unemployed.

This may well be the most important news of the century; but don't hold your breath. Boffins in Oxford have just achieved a basic form of teleportation. We're on the way to instant travel. Press a button and you could be in New York, Sydney, or Paris in an instant. (I'll believe that when I experience it)

Some good news you may have missed. The UK government has stated that any immigrant arriving illegally will NEVER be allowed citizenship. Well said!!! I didn't think I'd ever support anything from this government, but at last some real common sense!

And finally, the fragrant Rachel Reeves is under investigation again. Previously it was her CV, this time it's her expenses whilst working for HBOS. I never thought I'd be on the side of Ms Reeves, but in this case I am. It's a load of nonsensical muck-raking that serves absolutely no purpose.


  1. I can't get my head around those remarks made by an MP. Why isn't he being sued for millions, or at least deported to Rwanda. Disgusting.
    Ginge and Whinge are living in a huge mansion in sunny California, jetting around the world, living a rich and privileged lifestyle. Why haven't their titles been removed. Maybe we'd hear less about them if they were just ordinary Hazbeen and the Duchess of Dogbiscuits.
    Teleportation? Haven't heard about that. Like you, I'll believe it when I can do it

    1. I can't understand either why they still wish to be 'royals', I thought the whole point of their escaping was to be rid of family ties. Of course, without their titles they would be nothing.

  2. In case there is any confusion amongst your readers, or yourself even, who do not know much about our news, the words uttered by the Labour MP about his constituent were uttered in a private Whatsapp group between him, the Labour MP, and his cronies - a rather bad taste joke amongst friends. They were not sent to her. I just thought I would clarify this point for you and your readers.

    1. When he wrote 'Fuck your bins, screw you, etc' who was he addressing?

  3. You certainly appear to have taken to heart the core message of Eric Idle's song, "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life". Nurse! Nurse! It's time for Lord Magnon's happy pills!

    1. Always keep ahold of 'Nurse' for fear of finding something worse.
      At least I was nice about Reeves for a change!!!

  4. As I said yesterday, that is the trouble with the daily newsfeed.

    1. I'm afraid I'm slightly obsessed.

    2. My comment was the daily newsfeed is often wrong…as you have ably illustrated agin today.

      Lets see what is wrong next Sunday

    3. Do tell me what they got wrong. You never do say!

    4. I do say Cro, I said your take on Gregg Wallace was wrong and you deleted my comments. I can’t remember what was wrong with last week’s post..oh yes the people killed in Sweden were children. This week it is the assertion that the MP told his on Labour voter to go away…as Rachel has rightly pointed out he did not tell her that

  5. Wow! Cro, and I thought we were messed up here in the U.S. ! What's happening to the world?
    And I did here about the teleporting news... only I heard that possibly what would be teleported is a 'copy/replica' and not necessarily the original person or thing. Makes "beam me up, Scotty!" a little risky?

    1. I think teleporting is still way off, but they're getting there!

  6. If Rachel from Accounts is still in post Wednesday I'll be very surprised. It then begs the question of which muppet will replace her.
    The talent in Westminster is noticeable by it's absence and Us Labas are at the bottom of the barrel.

    1. I too predict a reshuffle. They are a bunch of amateurs who just managed a degree in PPE (probably from the LSE).

    2. Torsten Bell and you aint seen nothing yet.

  7. Please stop referring to Labour as Socialists. I don't know why you have started doing this. It is misleading to your readers and wrong and quite frankly offensive to many millions of people, particularly the elderly.
