Friday, 14 February 2025

St Jock's Day

Today, as well as being St Valentine's Day, is also St Jock's Day.

My old friend, the infamous Jock Veitch was born on February 14th, so I am never able to forget it. It's a bit like being born on Christmas Day.

Here we were (below) together at our favourite restaurant in France. We went as often as possible. The photo was taken when I still wore a watch, and smoked Gauloises.

So, Happy birthday Jock (in absentia). Gone but not forgotten. RIP. Unfortunately his obit is no longer available without a subscription to The Sydney Morning Herald. 

May I also be so bold as to wish a very Happy St Valentine's Day to Lady M, and all the lovely ladies out there in Blogland who read this page. xx



  1. Why, thank you, kind sir ❤️

  2. Thank you, and the same to you

  3. That is a great photo of you, so very handsome.
    Thank you for the Valentine greeting. My only one today 💜

  4. How nice to remember your friend and with a photo of you both.
    Thanks for the greetings. We are off-island today for a hospital visit. If all goes well we will have a meal tonight somewhere new, to us. Souvlaki probably

  5. "...all the lovely ladies out there in Blogland"? A few are like the witches at the start of "Macbeth" - mentioning no names of course.
    P.S. What about "all the lovely gentlemen"?

    1. If you think I'm going to ask YOU to be my valentine; THINK AGAIN. As for the blog-nasties, they know who they are, and will ignore me.

  6. Thank you for the greeting and back at you x

  7. Will you be cooking a special meal for Lady M tonight? I have a brother with a birthday today too. Enjoy your day and thank you.

    1. Fish, chips, and mushy peas. That's what I call special. She's just bought some lovely M & S Cheesecake too. Not bad!

    2. Night off from cooking. What could be better!

  8. Thanks for your Valentines wishes and the same from me to you ❤️ Wishing you a lovely evening with Lady M. ❤️❤️ XXXX

    1. Thank you J. Very cold here today, so we'll have to 'snuggle'.

  9. Thank you Cro, and happy Valentine's day to you and Mrs Cro. By the way, your pal Jock reminds me of Sir Les Patterson....sorry!

    1. He often looked like Les Patterson too. The front of his jumpers was legendary.

  10. Thank you so much Cro. Happy Valentine's day to you and Lady M. X

  11. Thank you for those kind wishes Cro. The same to you and Lady M - have a nice evening.

  12. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Lady M, Cro! We have no special plans this evening, but I think I'll give myself a day off cooking and order Pizza! (And I may open my box of Bailey's Chocolates!)

    1. We had Ferrero Rocher chocs. Otherwise nothing TOO special.
