Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Champers in the Church.

How many amongst you have drunk Champagne in a church?

Here are 'yours truly', Canadian friend Sami, and Kimbo, all enjoying a glass or two of Épernay's finest, in my local church on Sunday evening. It was the birthday of another friend, and the nearest place that would hold the large number of 'surprise' guests was the church. Thank you Father Dominic.

There were plenty of guests, plenty of nibbles (we took M & S mini pork pies), and plenty of good conversation.

I'm not a church-goer, other than for the annual Carol Service, but when there's a glass or two of Champagne on offer I make an exception. It was filled with friends, and I even had a long chat with Father Pete, who is Father Dominic's right hand man. Father D wasn't there.

Our friend was celebrating her 80th, and she was genuinely surprised when she came through the door exactly on time, and we all sang the obligatory 'Happy Birthday to you'.

A good time was had by all. Well, they would wouldn't they!




  1. Happy birthday to your friend. She looks a pretty fit 80.

    1. That's not her in the photo. That's our friend Sami.

  2. Good grief. I presume it's in one of the side rooms, not the area where the service takes place. Anyway it's a good idea for a gathering place. Plenty of seating and bring your own drinks and food. And champagne glasses.

    1. No, right in the middle. It's a very relaxed church.

  3. What a splendid idea. I may do that for my 70th. At least I wouldn't have far to travel.

    1. You mean you'd stay at home? What a good idea!

  4. I am sure church attendances would soar if every church had a well-stocked bar and perhaps a burger kiosk as well. Cutting down on the prayers and sermons would also help.

    1. We should suggest this to the new Archy of Canterbury.

  5. Our local church here in Woodstock has many varied meetings and community events throughout the year. Even the Duke of Marlborough makes an appearance at them now and then - well it is his Parish church.
    If that is St. Nicholas church, my parents were married there.

    1. It is St Nicholas Church. I live about 200 metres away. I love Woodstock too; I used to pass through there very often.

  6. Something needs to happen with churches as the current model is unsustainable. My parish church has a congregation of less than 10 (all of whom are over 60), one service a month, insurance costs of £1,750 a year and the diocese asks for £9,500 a year in “parish share”.

    There are many parish churches in the same position.

    1. I often look through the door on Sundays when they have a service, and I never see more than 20 people; often a lot less. It's a good thing that the church has a huge income coming in other than from the 'collection'.

    2. Learn a bit more about churches finances Cro and you will realise that is not the case at the individual parish level

    3. When I was working on the Stock Exchange (1964 ish) one of our major clients was The Church of England Commissioners. Their trading was impressive, and their wealth enormous! Where the profits went to I don't know, but they had huge wealth.

  7. I might be tempted to attend church if they served champagne! haha.

    1. I think a lot of people might say the same.

  8. What harm? A bit of champagne to celebrate a birthday at the church sounds good to me. The gathering of friends sounds lovely.

    1. I went to a Cathedral School and there were regular markets held inside in medieval times. There were still ruts on the flagstones where the carts had passed. I don't think it detracted from the main use.

  9. A church should be a place of love, fellowship, and all good things in moderation? The perfect place for a celebration.

    1. I agree. For me (these days) they are also places to visit and admire. I love old churches and cathedrals.

  10. You might be better asking "When were you last in Church?" What a good idea to use the building for a celebration.
    Incidentally, you're looking very smart Cro!
