Sunday, 26 January 2025

This past week.


It's been another mostly depressing week. Not a lot of good news I'm afraid! Sources include the BBC, The Guardian, and The Telegraph.

Now that Trump has his knees tucked beneath the Oval Office desk, it looks as if he will boycott Lord Mandelson becoming the UK's Ambassador to the USA. Mandy, a keen supporter of China, has been very rude and nasty about Trump in the past. Don't give-up your day job Mandy!

Everyone in the UK will remember the brutal murder of three little girls at a dance class last July. Their murderer, the charming Axel Rudakubana (above), did the decent thing on Monday, and pleaded guilty. He received a 'Life Sentence', with a minimum of 52 years. Some (including me) think this isn't long enough.

How the hell are people like him allowed to walk around without a ball and chain? What a total scumbag SHIT. I predict that he'll have a very hard time in prison; little oiks like him are not popular behind bars, and I suspect he'll become a well deserved target. I'm not someone who condones violence, but in his case I'll make an exception. It'll now cost the taxpayers about £1,000 a week to keep him locked-up.

On England's South Coast the first Camelia of 2025 was spotted in a tiny back garden in Brighton (below).

In Gaza/Israel, the Israelis released 90 criminals, and Hamas released just 3 hostages, with Israel soon releasing another 200 criminals and Hamas another 4 hostages. Does this sound a little one-sided to anyone but me? Is this what the ceasefire is all about? I think they might need to get around the table again. And now we hear that Hamas are already shooting their own people.

It seems as if the fragrant (recently disgraced) Tulip Siddiq (Left in photo above) isn't yet out of the woods. The Chairman of the Bangladeshi National Democratic Movement' is demanding her extradition. Tulip has dual citizenship in the UK and Bangladesh, and he is demanding that she faces the courts on corruption charges. Oh dear!

Harry has finally won his court case against The Sun. Murdoch's media group will be paying 'His Royal Lowness' a tidy sum (in excess of £10 Million) for allowing out-of-house journos to bug his phone. I'm no fan of Harry's, but I think he probably deserves a few quid. Murdoch can stew! My advice to him would be to leave the money in a hidden UK bank account, and not let 'you-know-who' get her hands on it.

Meanwhile, our Chancellor of the Exchequer was in Davos recently, at the World Economic Forum, just as Financial experts back home were describing the economy as being in a 'Debt Death Spiral'. We are currently seeing the biggest jobs slump since Covid, with over 47,000 lost jobs in last month alone; as well as an unprecedented rise in business failures. There has been a 50% rise in business 'Critical Financial Distress' due to her tax-raising budget. I wonder what she said in her speech to conference members to encourage people to invest in the UK; if anyone bothered to attend.

Oh, and guess what. Trump doesn't like facial tattoos (well, who does?). 


  1. I like facial tattoos (known as moko here) that gave great cultural signifigance. They look impressive.

  2. It is depressing but imagine what it must be like for people that voted for Us Labors and suddenly find themselves looking for a job. Thinking on, I suspect that few labour voters want a job outside the public sector or for that matter are capable of doing one.

    1. There was a recent poll that suggested that very few of those who voted Labour at the last election would do so again. I'm not surprised!

  3. The words "prisoners" and "criminals" are not necessarily interchangeable. Many of the Palestinians rounded up by Israeli security forces had not broken any laws and were imprisoned without trial or evidence.

    As for Rudakubana - what a horrible person! But I cannot help thinking that anybody who could stab innocent girls like that must be utterly bonkers. It is said that he stabbed one of the little girls over a hundred times. In that disturbing picture he even looks mad.

    1. Prisoners and criminals is the exact phrase. Many of them murdered civilians, women and children in terrorist attacks, it is very popular to present us Israelis as aggressors and abusers, for you Yorkshire Pudding it is very convenient to ignore the disaster that happened to us here, and at every opportunity to make your cynical comments. You do not miss any opportunity. Have you really learned the small or large, but correct details about what happened here on October 7, 2023?

    2. I don't think the Israeli's imprison people simply because of their ethnicity. All those 'Palestinians' are criminals, and have faced trials.

    3. 120 of them had been given 'life sentences', and many others were deported to Egypt, as they were regarded as too dangerous to release into Gaza. These were all serious terrorists.

    4. p.s. Had you said that the hostages were all innocent, you would have been correct.

    5. The media is full of so many lies against us that it is no longer possible to fight it, but people consume these lies and turn it against us again and again, isn't that how anti-Semitism grew when Jews were accused of making bread from the blood of Christian children. And some believed it.
      Does anyone remember that among the kidnapped there is still an eight-month-old baby who was kidnapped with his mother and two-year-old brother? They probably already died in captivity, but how convenient it is to ignore it.

    6. Hamas are supported by many of the British Far Left. Unfortunately this includes our Prime Minister. These feelings and beliefs are not held by the majority of right minded people here.

    7. It's the continuation of the antisemitic Corbyn era. They're still there!

    8. The numbers speak for themselves, don’t they?

  4. With our justice system so backed up and cases taking so long to go to court. I think those who settle on the day should be fined for wasting court time.

    1. One could also say the opposite. Those who admit guilt are saving the court's time.

    2. Yes but the court is already to sit, it takes time yo move the next case up, so court time is wasted

    3. His trial would have gone on for weeks.

  5. It's obvious that the fragrant (to borrow your word, Cro) Ms Reeves only took on the job of Chancellor so that she could travel, especially when things get a bit too hot for her! She probably spends most of her time at these conferences deciding where she'd like to go next. She can be sure of a bolt-hole amid the next crisis of her own making!

    1. Then when you're forced to resign, you get a nice big fat pension.

  6. Harry should donate that 10 mil, to the victims of the Los Angeles fires whom he visited with camera crews. Or at least help a few of his own back home

    1. What a very good idea. I do hope he doesn't let you-know-who just fritter it away.
