Sunday, 12 January 2025

Naughty, naughty!

Sir Keir 'freebie' Starmer (the UK's Socialist PM), is having problems with the lovely 'Tulip', his 'Anti-Corruption Minister'.

Allegedly, the fragrant Tulip 'freebie' Siddiq (above) accepted the gift of a very nice flat in London's Kings Cross in 2004, worth £700,000, in exchange for services rendered to a property developer called Abdul Motalif..... The Cheeky Minx. 

She tried to lie about it, but the truth has now surfaced. Apparently she'd 'forgotten' how she came to own the flat. Well you do, don't you!!!

This sort of thing is understandably not really encouraged in the UK, in fact for a government minister it's strictly verboten; it's beyond their 'Code of Conduct'.

It's all tied-up with her, and her family back in Bangladesh, having allegedly embezzled £3.9 Billion over some Nuclear Power Plant.

Even though she does seem to fit well into Starmer's new style of government, I think she may 'reluctantly' have to go; even though Starmer claims that he still has confidence in the lovely Tulip.

It's a good thing she wasn't a White Tory shadow Minister, or Starmer would have been DEMANDING her resignation.

Meanwhile, the fragrant Rachel Reeves (our Chancellor of the Exchequer) is off in China meeting her Communist chums, whilst planning to cut 'Disability Payments' back home. 

This really has to end, it's no longer a joke! They are simply doing too much damage to our country and economy.


  1. It won't end. Politicians are for the most part evil, dishonest and incompetent, the job attracts people with theses attributes. Many are far worse, the kiddy fiddlers and their enablers being one.

    1. Certain jobs will always attract certain types of people. Politicians, Police, and Boy Scout Leaders, all come to mind. Very few are there because they are genuinely concerned about society.

    2. Let us not forget the clergy and teachers.

    3. Not Teachers; I was one for a short while!!!

    4. We all make mistakes as nobody is perfect.

  2. Sorry, but I can't agree with your dig at Scout Leaders in that reply above (and BTW they've not been called 'Boy' Scouts for about 50 years) many Leaders in the Scout movement start helping because their children are in a group and are enjoying it and the group is short of adult leaders. I would say the huge majority help because they believe that it's doing a little bit of good - volunteering is a hell of a lot different to being a Labour Minister

    1. Yes, I agree, my uncle was a much loved scout leader and also a sea cadet leader, and headmaster of his local senior school before he died a few years back, so theyre not all bad. As Sue says, they're desperate for adult leaders these days. Politicians are another matter though, although I think there are some decent ones too.

    2. I apologise. I was being a bit flippant. But you have to face it, they were the butt of jokes for many years.

    3. And, I imagine, 255 convictions for rape, indecent assault, etc, can't be taken lightly.

  3. I think whichever political party we have it is a choice of s*** sandwhich or t*** baguette. And then we will have a real right wing takeover---with people like Elon Musk exerting more and more influence.

    1. Maybe Musk should stand as a candidate at the next US election. The way he struts about at the moment saying "My money means power" is not the way things are done.

    2. Musk was not born in the US so he cannot run for President. Only US born citizens can.

    3. I have no idea where he lives. I'd imagined it was in the USA.

  4. It's somewhat worrying that the current government seem to be going out of their way to give corrupt and lying party members positions which will adversely affect the running of the country. It all reeks of self-interest. When they've collected the 22 billion"black hole", and any extra they can squeeze from the poor taxpayers, they'll take the money and run! That's why Reeves has gone to China - she's looking for a safe bolt-hole for her share! The rest are just waiting to see how successful she is before doing the same!

    1. No deals will be done with China unless they are the winners. They don't take people like Reeves too seriously.

  5. Being from across the pond, I have a question regarding your use of the word "fragrant" as a derogatory description. Why? I can only relate to that term as describing something which has an odor, not necessarily unpleasant.

    1. I think it originates from the UK's satirical 'Private Eye' magazine. I've always liked it as it is half/half derogatory/complimentary. I simply find it funny.

    2. Cro uses it exclusively, I think, for women and predominantly for labour MPs.

      It is an old somewhat sexist term.

    3. Yes, it's just a bit of harmless fun.

  6. Corruption abounds. Look at the incoming US top leader. Convictions! People of power are immune.
    Tulip and Starmer will roll the dice.

    1. I wonder if Trump will attack his enemies when he has his knees beneath The White House desk?

  7. Brilliant Rachel Reeves had a successful trip to China, repairing relations while establishing some fruitful links. With regard to Tulip Siddiq, I think we should wait for truth rather than immediately jumping on the bandwagon of accusation and disinformation wrought by Britain's right wing press. She may be in the wrong but let us wait and see.

    1. I said exactly the same thing about Tulip, but now the truth is everywhere; all over yesterday's papers, etc. I think she'll go this week.

    2. p.s. £600 Million over 5 years is a drop in the ocean; and at what cost to the UK? Since 2010 we have given almost £600 Million in Foreign Aid to the Chinese. Her trip was nonsense.

    3. It could be dependant on us relinquishing the Chagos Islands. As you say it's peanuts, Lachel Leaves stole twice that from the pensioners in one year.
      Tulip's survival will be dependant on the deal, she'll have enough dirt on Starmer to keep him in line.

  8. See, sometimes you just want it to stop...along with the lies.
    My feelings when I had had enough a few weeks ago. Hugs to you my dearest Cro.
    There comes a point when enough is just enough.

    1. I agree. We all need some calm in our lives!
