Saturday, 18 January 2025

Home alone

Yes, it's happened again. Cro has been left 'home alone' whilst Lady Magnon goes galivanting in Singapore and Thailand. She's off to see Boo Boo, the Cherub, Kellogg, and our youngest son Wills.

So, I've brought-in the dancing girls, crates of Champagne, and plenty of rib-eye steak to help pass the lonely evenings. 

I've taken notes on how to operate the Washing Machine, and how much to feed Billy. I shan't bother with the Washing-up Machine, as I prefer to do that by hand. It's too complicated anyway.

She'll be away for about three weeks, so plenty of time for me to get up to mischief.

Lady M asked if I'll be doing anything special whilst she's away. I replied that I shall be eating Lamb's Liver. I think I'm alone in liking it, and I'm already looking-up interesting recipes. I'll probably also be going down to my pub' quite often, and buying a few luxuries that only I enjoy.

She's told almost everyone in Brighton that I shall be alone for a while, and already people are asking if I'm OK. I'm beginning to feel like Macaulay Culkin.

Billy is keeping me company.


  1. Don't you normally feed Billy and use the washing machine and what about the vacuum cleaner.

    1. I do all of those, but I never touch the washing-up machine.

  2. Didn't Lady M leave a list of jobs to be done around the house? Things to be mended, painted or otherwise fixed up.
    That would keep you out of mischief.

    1. Yes, plenty of instructions. I've placed her list in a bucket under the sink.

  3. You need to invite us lot around (your readers), we could have a party!

    1. I don't know if there'll be enough room. Most of Sussex are spending the weeks here.

  4. We like lamb's liver but I forget about cooking it for long periods. My way of cooking it is to fry some chopped onion and bacon , then add a tin of chopped tomatoes ( Aldi has perfectly nice ones) along with tomato puree and any other herbs/spices that take your fancy. Then slice the liver very finely and add to the sauce and it cooks in about a minute! Easy peasy!

    1. That sounds very good. The simplest one I've come across so far is to fry very thin strips, then sprinkle with cumin powder. As I love cumin, I might try that one first. I've taken note of your recipe!

  5. You could always visit a Wetherspoon's pub near you? You will be amazed how cheap the beer and food is.

    1. I just read this morning that several are closing down. Another result of Reeves's incompetent budget.

  6. You're free, free as a bird. You and Billy can go wild. Till the novelty wears off.
    Champers and steak would be my choice. And pork pie.
    And MY tv programmes.

    1. The choices are endless. We do tend to share the same tastes, but I shall certainly be enjoying the things I love, but she doesn't.

  7. Someone needs to tell you that Maccaulay Culkin is now 44 years old and he has had some issues with recreational drugs. It is doubtful that he will be able to fill the space left by Lady M but who knows? If you feel like him, why not give it a whirl.

    1. I haven't seen his films, but I've seen short clips. I thought it was total rubbish. I may not send him an invite.

  8. Gemma's on her way. She said you needn't pick her up at the airport, she's arranged her own transport.

  9. Should lady M be worried, it takes 21 days to form a habit, good or bad.....

    1. She should indeed be worried; she knows what I'm like!!!

  10. Heavens Cro, Lady M is probably still on her way and you've got your three weeks entertainments sorted out already! We look forward to in-depth reports.

    1. I haven't heard that she's landed. She must still be in the skies!

  11. Joking aside, it's quite nice to have time on ones own for a little while. You might want to turn the Sca music down a bit after midnight !!! XXXX

    1. I do enjoy being by myself; but not for TOO long. No loud music for the moment, I have two big books to read.

  12. Have a little fun, then you will miss her deeply.

  13. What is your nearest airport, I shall fly in and keep you company? I will get an need to pick me up. ;)

    1. Can't you just spread your arms and fly? Head for Brighton and I'll see you.

    2. What about riding my broom? I hope you see me as an angel.

  14. Why didn’t you go with Lady M?

    1. Unlike you, I'm not really a traveler. I also have some mobility problems, so a 12 hour flight is sadly out of the question.

    2. I can understand the long haul issue but you could break the journey in the UAE - so would be two flights of 6-7 hours. You might also be surprised at how accommodating airports can be for those with mobility issues.

    3. Unfortunately I live with pain rather than actual immobility, and there's very little airport staff can do about it. I'm quite happy staying at home. I have a radius of about 1 km; I'll leave the other 10,000 to Lady M.

  15. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Just think of the wonderful reunion when Lady M returns. Plus, she'll bring back a full report on your grandsons. The boys are growing up quickly.

    1. I now hear that they're planning a trip to Europe next Summer ('26), so It'll be lovely to see the boys.
