Thursday, 16 January 2025


I haven't visited a hairdresser for yonks. The last time I went, I'd made rather a hash of cutting my own hair, and when sitting down in front of the hairdresser's mirror, I must admit that I blamed it on Lady M. "Don't ever let her cut your hair again" he advised. "I won't" I replied.

These days I have very little hair, and I cut it very easily. Once every few months a five minute's clipping does the job.

The last time I went regularly to a hairdressers was when I was working in The City (stockbroking). I used to go to Harrods on Saturdays, where they had a very good barber's dep't, it was also very cheap. I think the aim was to keep 'husbands' away from their wives for as long as possible as they went about spending all the poor chap's money. There were often a few famous faces around as one waited. It was an hour well spent.

I recently came across this photo whilst going through some old albums. I had left the house to do something or other, and suddenly came across my father, sitting outside the coach-house, having his hair cut by the gardener.

I just had to take a photo. I have no idea if the gardener had ever cut anyone's hair before.

I cannot imagine myself asking one of our present gardeners to cut my hair. The picture still makes me smile. Father seemed to think it was perfectly normal! The gardener looks quite evil.


  1. What a lovely photo. The gardener looks quite prepared with clippers. Perhaps it was a regular thing.

    1. I have no idea. I'd never seen him having an al-fresco haircut before. Yes, it does look as if he's using clippers.

  2. I suspect that the gardener had had plenty of practice trimming hedgerows and indeed... bushes!

    1. No doubt. I heard that he'd worked at The Lido in Paris.

  3. Nice bit of family history there.... and you never know, the gardener might have had a former career as an 'airdresser!

  4. I always have to cut P's hair as he refuses to pay for a proper haircut. Sometimes it is less successful than others. Like this weekend 😳😱

    1. Ha ha. I don't know how much a haircut costs these days, but it's probably around £10-£15. That's 2 or 3 bottles of red wine!

  5. Great photo. A bit of family history. Our friendly hairdresser comes to the house. We get all the islands gossip as well as a trim.

    1. I wish I'd taken my time over the photo, it would have been better to show the location, etc.

  6. A great photo to come across. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I was delighted to find it. I'd forgotten all about it.

  7. I must have saved my husband an absolute fortune in the last 27 years we've been together, I always cut his hair for him.

  8. I too must have saved a fortune cutting my husband's hair for many years. I have a friend who does mine for a very reasonable amount.

    1. I have been known to cut my wife's hair, but only to shorten it by a few inches.

  9. I had a really great cut last Friday.

  10. It's surprising how many wives cut their husband's hair. On occasions I cut my husband's, but it wasn't a job I was keen on, though he seemed quite satisfied. Probably the thought of how much money he was saving!

    1. I cut my own, then ask my wife to cut off any straggly bits I've left behind

  11. Oh, I love it! No real difference between a hedge and a thatch to a gardener, I suppose. And may I also compliment your father on taking the time to dress nicely for his haircut:)

    1. My late father always dressed nicely. Always a shirt and tie, etc. Only once did I see him wearing shorts, and it was a shock!

  12. That is a great photo of the gardener giving your father a haircut.
    Many people today cut their own hair. Guys generally pay $40-50 for a haircut. That is not at a fancy shop where only stylists work.

    1. One of my neighbours was a barber, but he's now doing something else. I don't think he had enough clients.
