Thursday, 30 January 2025

Big Brother.

The reaction to this prank doesn't surprise me at all. The suggestion that Putin has the support of 'his people' has always seemed like a joke to me. They know what's going on, they know how many fellow Russian lives have been lost, and they know that the land he's fighting over is now mostly wrecked.

Evil dictators usually get their comeuppance at some time or other. Why can't a huge country like Russia have a decent, democratic, and honest leader for a change?


  1. You would get the same, if not worse, reactions to Starmer.

    1. Even from his one-time supporters!

    2. Not just Starmer but any politician.

      Starmer is an awful creature by any reckoning, by far the worst example of humanity we've had the misfortune to suffer under. He did look quite fetching mincing about in his black T shirt with Zelinski so not 100% useless.

    3. Watching him on PMQ's is very revealing. Kemi runs rings around him and all he can do is to answer with insults. Desperation indeed.

  2. Well that's my day brightened up, thanks Cro!

  3. I am surprised that somebody didn't pull out a "Sharpie" and draw glasses, a beard and moustache on that ****ing megalomaniac.

  4. Oh dear, I hope their reactions haven't signed them all up for a "holiday" in Siberia!
