Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Brighton Fashion (men's)

If there is one item of men's clothing that is 100% de rigueur in 2024 Brighton, it's old and faded French workmen's jackets. The older and more faded the better. 

Someone must be importing them from France by the thousand, and they come in all conditions and states of ageing. Holes and patches are quite acceptable. The French themselves no longer wear them.

I think they were made popular by certain UK TV personalities who always wore them. Gardner Monty Don, and Antiques dealer Drew Pritchard are never seen in anything else. I've even seen a morning TV Show Doctor wearing one. There are others too.

I did have one of these jackets many years ago, but it became lost. These days I have a more 'sophisticated' denim version, that doesn't have at all the same allure.

Brighton is a very left-wing/green party city, and I imagine that locals see a similarity between the fashion style of French workmen, and Mao Zedong (Up the workers, everybody out!). 

I must say, I love these jackets myself too, and am quite jealous every time I see one passing by.



  1. Perhaps Santa could bring you one?

  2. It looks just the thing for dog walking.

    1. All workmen used to wear them in France; they became the uniform of the working man.

  3. I hope that nobody buys me one of them for Christmas. I would like a right twat... well, even more than normal.

  4. Buy yourself one, wear it with pride.

    1. I probably would if I could find one my size, and faded 'just right'.

  5. Now Lady M. knows what to buy you for Christmas.

  6. I like denim jackets, no so much this one. I can imagine you wearing it in the French countryside. With your beret of course

    1. They aren't denim, they are more like a fine, close weave, canvas. I don't know the names of materials. They certainly wore well like denim. I haven't worn my beret for a while!

  7. I am sure one that is suitably "worn in" or "worn out " could be had from an interweb search.
    Dashing with your scarf and beret. I can see you in my minds eye. Oh la la!

  8. I like that shirt, Cro. If it's the uniform of the working man in France... it's kind of like denim shirts are here. I like those too.

    1. It's more the equivalent of the Levi Jean jacket; as worn by almost everyone in the world.
