Sunday, 17 November 2024

Winter Pickles.

It's that time of year again.  I need to begin making my pickles for Christmas.

I always do my Onions reasonably early. They benefit from being in vinegar for at least a month.

I use a very simple, hit-n-miss, method. I almost fill with vinegar, add a few dried chili flakes, a couple of good soup-spoons of Sugar, then top-up the final few milliliters with water (2%).  


I shall do my Pickled Red Cabbage about a week before Christmas. Unlike the Onions, they don't require the same amount of 'maturing'. 

Nearer the big day I will also prepare some Onion and Cucumber Pickle. This is sliced onion layered with sliced Cucumber, then semi-preserved in a sweet pickle mix. It doesn't last, so it is prepared one or two days before needed.

I'm getting there!


  1. Those look delicious! What do you eat pickled onions with?

    1. They usually accompany either cold Turkey, or cheese.

  2. I don't eat any pickles but they look delicious. You always make the effort for your family. You could easily just buy some but you like your traditions, don't you? I'm sure its appreciated too.

    1. I do buy them as well. Just recently I bought some from M & S, and they had lost all their crispness. There's nothing to compare with home made.

  3. I loved pickled onions once upon a time but can't eat them now. Too painful!

  4. It sounds like you have got yourself in a right pickle Crozier!

    1. Yesterday they didn't even make my eyes water; the onions must have been produced in a Chinese laboratory.

  5. Pickled time alright. I made mine yesterday. Vinegar and honey. A well tested recipe. Only this year I used white wine vinegar. I'm sure they will taste the same but they look extraordinary pale, except for one jar which is full of purple onions. The vinegar has turned red. They even stranger

    1. I might add a splash of Balsamic Vinegar later on for some extra sweetness. I've not tried that before, but it should give nice colour too.

  6. Do you use cold or hot vinegar?
    I use hot, for keeping quality.

    1. I'm afraid that I'm lazy, and use cold. They aren't intended to last that long, so it works OK.

  7. A festive party in the future. Your family is lucky to have you make them your pickles. A true "not a holiday" without father's pickles.

  8. The holidays are great for special side dishes and delicacies. Family traditions are wonderful. The turkey is the centerpiece, but all the side dishes are equally important.
