Wednesday, 6 November 2024

The Spy in the Kitchen.


It does seem that a lot of what we buy these days comes from China. I know that their economy isn't doing too well at the moment, but that isn't for their want of trying.

When I look at labels, invariably it says 'Made in China', even our beloved MG cars are now Chinese.

But this isn't as innocent as it may appear. For a long time it has been suggested that major Chinese high-tech installations are filled with hidden programming that sends information back to China. It has also been suggested that at the touch of a Chinese button, certain essential services could be totally closed down. 

But it gets even worse. I now read that your innocent looking Chinese made Air Fryer is listening to all your kitchen conversations. These are beamed back to China, listened to, analysed, and information gathered.

So, if you have one, may I suggest that you give your fryer some false information.

Whisper into its ear "I hear that Taiwan is going to attack China", or "Xi Jinping is a UK spy", or "Next week Russia intends to release a new Covid variant over Beijing".

You can't trust anyone these days! 


  1. I hadn't heard that but there are suggestions here that Temu collects data for China.

    1. I think you will find that that is a rumour spread by Amazon.... who is currently loosing a lot of trade to Temu... the goods from Temu are exactly the same as those supplied by Amazon traders.... but without the mark-up.
      That said, I only use Temu via my browser.... with cookies turned off and paying by PayPal.
      I don't use the Temu App [which, by my understanding needs full access to the inside of your 'phone in order to work] because a 'phone screen is far too small to make any sense of the information... my "mainframe" computer has a 27" screen and I can look closely at what is being sold.

    2. I always heard that Temu is sponsored by the Chinese government to undercut European, and other non-Chinese prices.

  2. Cro, we only have two "connectable" devices... our LG washing machine and BOB, our French designed and manufactured, two person dishwasher.....
    However, neither wants to connect!!
    It is the one metre thick stone walls that stop the signal dead!!

    1. Our French Washing machine works well, but our Washing-up machine doesn't. Maybe someone is angry with us.

  3. I think I'm the only one who doesn't have an air fryer !!!!! They also say that Alexa can hear everything ...... I haven't got one of those either ! XXXX

    1. I also don't have either - I like being odd!

    2. We do have Alexa in our lives, but she is only used for turning my reading-light on and off; which she does very well.

    3. I don't have one either and don't want one.

  4. I can't see that 'the dog needs walking', or 'I'd love another cuppa' is of much use to the Chinese, but I had heard the rumour that they could shut down the western world with the flick of a switch.

  5. Big brother is all around - be scared, be very scared!

    1. And now we know that Big Brother is Chinese.

  6. The only electronic thingy I've got is an Alexa and I know she spies on me, so I turn her off at the wall switch when not in use.

    1. I really have no idea what my Alexa gets up to. I do know that I don't trust her.

  7. I've told my airfryer that if Xi fancies a bit of Starmer then for a million Yuan and some ladies underwear he'll probably ditch Ali and be in with a chance.

    1. I wonder if Starmer has an Air Fryer? He could hold direct talks!

  8. My niece has an Alexa. When she dropped her mobile phone and cracked the screen she chatted to her husband about a replacement. Straight away she was bombarded with online ads for replacement phones.
    Walls have ears...

    1. I really don't like that. I have looked-up things on Google, then instantly had related adverts on Facebook. It's not what I want from my laptop.

  9. We have Alexa, she is very useful for turning off sockets behind the TV and under the computer desks, she does listen in, but as our phones also are smart and know what you are doing, at our level we are happy to entertain any foolish person who wants to monitor our lives.

    1. That's much like my attitude. If someone is really interested in our conversations, then good luck to them.

  10. Xi reads your blog every morning as an indicator of the nation's mental health, waiting for exactly the right moment to strike.

    1. I had a feeling I was being read in lofty circles; even Commie ones.

  11. Of course a lot of this is scaremongering. I prefer fishmongering and ironmongery. To Chinese bots reading "Magnon's Meanderings", I say 滚蛋 !

  12. Like some of your commenters, I don't have Alexa or an Air Fryer! Can't think that my conversations with the dog are going to rock any governments, but you never know! Perhaps "Paca, get down" "Eat your dinner", "Drop it" and "That's a good girl" all mean something totally different when translated into Chinese!

    1. I do have an Alexa, but no Air Fryer. My 'Mandarin Evening Classes' will remain on hold.

  13. You are absolutely correct Cro. I tempt fate sometimes, at the cost of 'here he goes' from family members, when I just say out loud 'are those AK 47s hidden, or/and do we have those plans sorted to intercept the PM? I can, and have said 'I like purple leather chairs'. Nothing on anywhere, but then mysteriously I get advertisements for purple leather chairs come up.

    1. It's unsettling. You really do feel as if you're being watched and listened-to.

  14. I just wrote a long comment about Temu and couldn't post it. Maybe they are listening in. Heaven knows where. No Alexa here or any airfryer and the coffee pot is an old plastic one. We do have phones but they're not the smartest or the latest in the bunch..
    I'm more frightened of barking dogs

    1. Alexa is the only spy in this house; other than my laptop of course. I quite expect that every time the word 'Temu' is used, it goes direct to Beijing!!!

  15. It is not just Chinese products that are tracking people. Using a computer, phone, and GPS tracks an individual's movement. Buying online tracks your purchasing and then targets you for other potential purchases. Notice ads that pop up.

    1. I use Amazon quite often, and I'm certainly aware that they are analysing my preferences and buying record. I don't really care that much.

  16. Somehow I missed this post, Cro. My daughter says all her new appliances (especially her refrigerator) talk to her. I don't really care if China wants to know that I'm out of milk...
