Monday, 11 November 2024

Our animals.

I love this photo. I'd been trying for years to get the dogs to be friendly with our cat.

Bok (the dog) was OK with Freddie (the cat), but Freddie wasn't too keen on either Bok, or our Lab' Monty. Fred had been with us prior to the dogs' arrivals, and he considered himself 'The Boss'. The dogs were interlopers.

I have always liked the idea of a cat snuggling-up with the dogs to keep warm (or just for friendship), but this was never to be. They tolerated each other, but no more.

We don't realise how much our pets mean to us until they are no longer there. Poor Bok died on the operating table after a huge tumour was found on his Spleen. The Vet' decided not to revive him. It came as a huge shock, and I missed him terribly.

I knew Freddie wasn't well. He'd stopped eating, and was drinking a lot more than usual. One evening he curled-up on the sofa by my side, and went to sleep. Somehow I knew that I would never see him either awake or alive again. I stayed with him for an hour or so as he slept, then the next morning I found him dead.  I think it was how he wanted it to be.

I can't imagine living without either a dog or cat in the house; preferably both. However, losing them is dreadful. 

Luckily Billy is well, and at just 6 years old I'm hoping there's plenty of life in him yet.



  1. Your dogs were your close companions. I remember so many tales of you all mushrooming and walking in the early mornings, their adventures. We all loved them too. And of course Freddie. I mourned his passing too
    May you and Billy live many more happy days together.

    1. Having lost three pets in quite recent years, I often look at Billy and pray that he stays with me for as long as possible.

  2. I have never had a pet due to allergies so have never formed that kind of deep attachment you describe. It does sound life enriching.

    1. It's also one of the most devastating when they leave us. But, sadly, we can't have one without the other.

  3. Billy is a handsome lad. Elsie will be 14 in January and is now a bit creaky. I'm hoping she will go in her sleep. Dad always dealt with our childhood dogs' demise. Now it has to be me.

    1. It's a horrible thing to go through. If an animal is old, we can prepare ourselves, but when one dies suddenly at an early age it can be traumatic.

  4. Your post today moved me very much as on Saturday we had to have our dear old cat aged 20 put to sleep. She was the best of friends and we do feel lucky that she lived so long with no illness just anno domini got her in the end as it does for us all eventually. She will be missed so much, where would be without our furry companions. Regards Sue H

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Sue, but as you say 20 is a very good age for a cat. She was a lucky gal to have had such a long and healthy life.

  5. Billy is probably hoping the same about you so that he can keep meeting up with his canine pals on your walks to and from the churchyard.

    1. If both of us were suddenly not here, I don't know what he'd do. I can't see his life ever being better than it is at the moment.

  6. Over the years I have lost seven dogs, 5 Labs, a Golden Retriever and a spaniel and still miss every one of them. One died in his sleep, another died in kennels when we were away on holiday and the others I held, and cried into their fur, when the vet administered the final injection. The last but one dog, a rescue, had to be returned to them as, lovely though she was, she proved impossible to re-home in an urban area. The latest I adopted last year is a 9 year old Boston terrier from another local rescue. Paca is curled up by my side, crashed out after our walk and chasing the feral cats I feed in the garden. She goes like the wind and yet never manages to catch them!
    Like you, I can't imagine being without a dog, and wish you and Billy many happy years together.

    1. Your Paca sounds a bit like Billy; no Pigeon or Seagull is safe when he's around. Of course, he's never caught one yet!

  7. Losing a beloved dog or cat is heartbreaking.

    I don't know what I'd do without the comfort of my pets; I came home after a terrible day last week and Poppy hurled herself into my arms (as she does every day) and was so excited to see me I could feel her heart pounding. It instantly made my day better.

    1. Billy's 'quite' excited to see us after being left alone for a while, but no launching into my arms!

  8. We never know what characters/temperament's our pets are going to be when we get them do we ? All of the pets we have had have been very loving but you cant guarantee that can you ? I know people who have had aloof cats and angry dogs .... it's a bit of a lottery really. When our pets died, I was SO upset that I haven't had anymore. A friend of ours said that she has cried more over her pets dying that humans !!!! XXXX

    1. When Bok died, I was totally distraught. It was so unexpected. I was in a terrible state for about two weeks.

  9. I will also never be without a dog or two.
    Loss of a dog is the same as loss of a family member. It is hard.

    1. The only time that I had a family member die unexpectedly, was when my cousin was murdered in Canada. I was devastated; it came as such a shock. When both my people died, I was almost expecting it; they were both elderly. It's shock that hits the hardest.

  10. I've only ever had one pet since I was an adult living alone - an inherited cat. My lifestyle has never been one which would be fair to a pet.

    1. Cats can look after themselves for quite a while. A cat flap and plenty of water will make them still love you when you return from a few days away.

  11. I remember both of them and how much you loved them.

    1. Yes, I'm a big lover of both cats and dogs. I've always been around cats, but only had my first dog after my college years. I would hate to be without one now.

  12. Cro, I've always had a love for animals. Got my degree in Animal Science and worked with Vets for 20 years. People don't realize how sentient they are. We've always had both dogs and cats and I couldn't imagine ever not having one in the house. But after losing our last cat a few years ago, I haven't been able to have another. The hurt is still fresh - and don't think I can go through that again.

    1. People don't understand how close we become to our animals. They depend on us 100%. It's always hard losing them.
