Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Jean-Louis Aubert - Merveille (Live)

One of the biggest French bands of the mid to late 70's (that you've never heard of) was called Téléphone.

The oldest son of my next door neighbours (FR) was their manager, and the Téléphone lads, and lass, would come down from Paris for weekends in the countryside. They became part of the scene of our tiny 3 house hamlet.

FR later went on to manage Marianne Faithful, who also used to visit, which is why she came to my 50th birthday Party. Oh yes!

Téléphone were as big a French pop band as they could possibly get, they were France's very own version of The Beatles; but without the same talent.

The band broke-up in 1985 or 86 (I think), and the singer Jean-Louis Aubert went his own way with a very successful solo career. He became France's version of Mick Jagger.

This is one of his better songs (give it time).

I was very surprised to hear this track on English radio recently. It was chosen by Celia Imrie on the short Radio 4 Extra programme called 'Inheritance Tracks'. Imrie, like me, is a serious Francophile, and the track brought back wonderful memories for her.

I only saw Téléphone live once, and frankly I wasn't too impressed. For an Englishman it was all very tame and a tad dull. Of course, the French LOVED them.


  1. Replies
    1. VERY! It needs listening-to several times before you get it.

  2. I am honoured to be able to blog around with a fellow who has met Téléphone and whose fiftieth birthday celebration was attended by Marianne Faithful. Are all French bands named after everyday items? Machine à Laver, Aspirateur and Ustensiles de Cuisine for example?

    1. I'm afraid to say that most French 'pop' music is so bad that I just never listen to it. I listen to Accordion music, and a few of the 'old guard' singers. Nothing else!

  3. We've actually had some SERIOUS rain this morning. The first since we returned in early September.

  4. Gosh, if you close your eyes (to avoid seeing the wrinkles) they sound like a bunch of beginner rockstar wannabe's, practicing out in their Dad's garage. Not trying to be mean here but...not that great. Marianne Faithful at your 50th sounds like it was great fun.

    1. French 'pop' music is pretty dire. They are much better at simple ballads.
