Friday, 15 November 2024

Comrade Putin.

In terms of the world's most evil people, this man must currently be securely placed at No 1.

His illegal invasion of Ukraine, and all the subsequent killing and destruction, has ensured his place amongst the most evil tyrants the world has ever known.

Latest figures from the war front suggest that Russia is losing 1,500 soldiers EVERY DAY as they advance metre by metre. On one recent day the toll rose to 1,770. The death-count is appalling, yet he seems untroubled. The total Russian loss of life so far during this war is over 710,000. When he runs out, he simply gets more cannon-fodder in from other countries, such as N Korea.

Much to Kim Yong Un's annoyance, many of his loaned troupes were wiped out recently whilst advancing towards Alaya Loknya.

In the Middle East the Israeli's had little problem locating, and killing, the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah. One really would have thought that something similar could be done in Russia.

This man is single-handedly dragging his country into the mire; and for what?

Surely the Russian people must soon turn against him. The death toll is horrific, and all in the name of occupying a country that they're doing their best to reduce to rubble.

In my book that amounts to complete and utter evil and stupidity.


  1. He's not on my Christmas card list either.
    You have published an impressive catalogue of evil, where did you acquire the information?

    1. There's a lot more I could have quoted, it's all freely available online.

    2. That it sorted then. Thank you.

  2. The trouble is that the Russian public seem to be being 'mislead' by their state news channel which is blasting out 24/7.From what I can see most of them actually believe in Putin and think he's doing a great job, particularly those who are in the rural areas. How about Celebrity SAS Bump-Off?

    1. People are also very afraid to speak out. Perhaps someone could have a word with the IDF.

  3. There are a few more like him around. I often used to wonder why the US didn't use its modern technology to knock off a few dictators.
    Who is going to take over after him though?

    1. Hopefully someone who believes in democracy, then they could interact more with the wider world.

    2. It is against a rule that you aren't to assassinate the head of a country.

  4. There's no Disputin', we won't be Rootin' for Lootin' Putin.

    Trouble is - if he goes, who or what will replace him?

    1. That is always the problem with Russia. They tend to kill-off the more sensible contenders.

  5. Just think, it takes only the smallest change in someone's brain area to trigger this madness.
    Oh, see what I did? It would only take the smallest change in the brain area concerning a trigger to also end the madness.

    1. I cannot understand why certain world leaders always want to be seen as being 'nasty'.

    2. That is just it, we (normal folks) can't think like they do, thank goodness.

  6. VP and BN are both evil. Let's acknowledge lives are lost daily with no end in sight.
    With DT now in place, NATO is weakened, and this puts all of Europe in the line of fire.
    Germany and Great Britain are ramping up in light of the changes. Smart.

    1. I don't understand Trump's attitude towards NATO, it has always served the world well.

    2. I find it hard to understand anything about the man...
      Seems like he's trying to destroy what our country has always stood for.

  7. Putting must be positively gleeful now that his loyal lapdog Trump is going back to the White House. Trump really, really loves strong man dictators and kowtows to them.

    1. Lets hope they kowtow to him as well (as long as he works for peace).

  8. Even if Putin is replaced unfortunately at times like this the old adage "better the devil you know, than the one you don't" comes to mind. Hasn't he already named some other hard-liner his successor?
