Saturday 21 September 2024

More silliness.

Never would I have imagined that our new Labour government could have behaved so childishly.

First we had the great Sir Keir himself removing the portrait of Lady Thatcher from his study, and now we have the fragrant OAP basher Rachel Reeves, removing all art-work depicting MEN from the State Room at No 11 Downing Street.

Wasn't there some trendy woke lefty law against such sexism?

Perhaps our ex Director of Public Prosecutions, the great Sir Kier himself, would know the exact wording of the law. It was under his Directorship that the discrimination law was established (Equality Act 2010), Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions from 2008 to 2013.


  1. Such petty vindictiveness is entirely in keeping with the behaviour of Sir Kneeler's team.

    1. It's almost as if they're wanting to give themselves a crazy reputation.

  2. It is petty, I suspect it's to distract from their other far more egregious actions and habits.
    Don't let them upset you. We are stuck with them and sad as it is TTK is not the worst of them.

    1. It's quite something when most of their own supporters now regret having voted for them. Just wait till the October budget!!!

  3. Have you become aware that the world is becoming more insane and dangerous? No one is exempt...not even Down Under when in those blissful days of yore nothing much used to happen and the young had a great need to head north to experience real life and adventure. Boring is bliss...must be getting very old!:)

    1. Too many boats are being rocked, and people don't like it. We all want stability and sanity. Sadly Starmer and his band of merry folk have barged into No 10, and are behaving like naughty lower IVth form school-children.

  4. I have thought for a long time that the people who are supposedly running our country are from a different planet, and not at all human. Higher education seems to have pickled their brains. Privileged backgrounds are not a good basis for making decisions on how the rest of us should live our lives.

    1. This present bunch pride themselves on being the party of 'the working man', but they're anything but. All their freebies, back-handers, etc, are a joke.

    2. It may be of interest to Meanqueen that Angela Rayner left school at 16, pregnant, and was allowed to return to sit her O levels whilst pregnant, and has no higher education and I don't know if she passed her O levels or not. So her brain must be pickled by means other than higher education.

    3. Sir Kneeler's gang are the party of the working class, just so happens that their definition of "working" excludes anyone not employed by the state.

    4. Depends on what you mean by 'privilege' - most of the remaining hereditary peers in the Lords are considerably more competent than most of the political appointees shunted up there.

    5. It saddens me that higher education is seen as a bad thing. It is the same thing with some views on experts - I admire and respect experts.

    6. It saddens me that Traveller follows me around. I also admire and respect experts, the ones who talk common sense. I respect Angela Rayner for dragging herself up from the bottom of the pile.

  5. They are stamping their authority everywhere, 'we have power and are going to use it' regardless of anyone else.

    1. I'm dreading the Autumn Budget. I quite expect we'll all get hammered.

  6. A portrait of Thatcher still hangs on the No. 10 staircase. Pity they didn't hang her from the banisters in 1979! In his office, it would be most disconcerting for Mr Starmer to concentrate with The Milk Snatcher staring down upon him.

    1. So it should still hang on the staircase, she was one of our greatest PM's. You mention 'Milk Snatcher'; there is a Primary School in my old road here in Brighton, and every day I saw crates of small milk bottles, some with a bit drunk from them, but mostly still full; all waiting to be thrown away. Thank goodness someone had the guts to do something about such awful waste. If you want some milk for little Johnny or Julie; go and buy it.

    2. Actually, the withdrawal of milk from schoolchildren was originally initiated by the predecessor Labour administration, and Thatcher restricted it to secondary school pupils rather than for all.

    3. Well good for them. I was always astounded by the daily waste of all that milk.

  7. Did you mean to write Directorship, Cro, or Dictatorship? Because that's the way things seem to be going.
    Do you ever get the feeling that Yorkshire Pudding is not a fan of Margaret Thatcher!

    1. It is traditional for the left to denigrate the most successful politicians and their policies. That is taken for granted. It is no surprise that the left blame Mrs T for Scargill and his chums closing down all the coal mines. They could hardly blame themselves; the true culprits.

    2. Don't hold any store who Pudding votes for he voted for Jared O'Mara. He'd vote for a shovel if it had a red rosette on.

  8. Never mind, they'll soon have enough donations and freebies to be able to replace them all.

    1. How were they supposed to know that accepting all those freebies was against regulations ? No-one told them ! Ha ha.

  9. Maybe Sir Kneeler's administration, with it's massive majority, is a perfect example of the maxim - all power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    1. They're doing their best to prove it.

      It still amazes me that he got away with popping up to Durham for that infamous Beer and Curry party during lockdown. It pays to have friends in high places.

    2. He has some sort of mandate but received fewer votes than Corbyn so what that tells us I'm not sure.

  10. That is just plain ridiculous. Didn't someone one stand up and protest and stop her!!!

  11. Those actions are all "low hanging fruit." Like you state, "Silly."
    The important actions are yet to come...maybe?

    1. We have a budget coming next month, which we have already been warned will be 'tough'. We are expecting the worst.
