Sunday 1 September 2024

Hoodies and Masks.

Do YOU feel obliged to cover your face every time you go outside? No, nor do I; but many do!

The simple question must be, why do so many young people, usually (but not exclusively) males from ethnic minority groups, seem to find this face-covering essential even at the height of summer? I think we all probably know the answer!

Back in the UK I often come across gangs of young men in the churchyard or in the twitten behind my garage, smoking a bit of dope, drinking from cans of beer, and always all wearing black hoodies, and/or masks. Personally I'm not intimidated by them; no-one who's played Rugby against Croydon RC would find them intimidating. Billy and I just say hello, and walk past.

But, of course, many ARE intimidated; especially lone young women. And I often find myself warning them that such a group are 'just around the corner', and suggest that they might prefer to take a slightly different route to avoid any hassle.

I really do think it's about time that the government took some action about such people, they do appear very threatening to many. For a start they could BAN the wearing of face masks and balaclavas in public. If they wish to wear them at home, OK; but not in public. I'm not sure how they could ban hoodies, but there must be an answer.

Ireland is proposing such a ban, so why not the UK?

They should also bring in some new form of 'National Service' for all those nearly ONE MILLION 16 to 24 year old's who are neither in full-time education or work, and are living 'on the dole'. It should be made to be interesting, fun, informative, and hopefully also teach them a trade. Shaved heads, stylish uniforms, and no hoodies would be mandatory. They should be able to leave after a year or so with pride at having been through such an experience; and with a ruminative trade under their belts. Maybe they could even be taught how to fill potholes; that would be a good start!

Rishi Sunak promised a scheme, and Sir Keir Starmer is currently being encouraged. We now just have to wait and see.

I think the events of the recent months suggest that such discipline and training for young men is desperately needed. I can't see anything against the idea.



  1. I wear a hoodie, some might say that I ought to wear a balaclava as well.

    1. I have one of those Russian hats with the ear-flaps. That's enough for me! (see photo)

  2. Perhaps they are just feeling cold?

    1. I did notice a few young men wearing them at the recent Notting Hill bun fight. It was a lovely warm day!

  3. I sometimes wonder if we should all adopt the style of completely covering our bodies from top to toe when out and about. It would make the cameras absolutely useless, and confuse the cops who wish to arrest anyone not playing their games.

    1. I can see the logic in your idea, but, personally I like to see what people look like. I still enjoy seeing my fellow humans in the street, to see them smile, and say 'hello'. I would be deprived of all that.

    2. Tongue in cheek idea, but it would throw the world into a turmoil if great swathes of people latched onto it. Yes, I like to greet people with a smile, and would hope that they will reciprocate. A lot of information can be garnered from a persons facial expression. Perhaps the masks are worn by those who are trying to cover up their dodgy activities. They do make me nervous and I would look for an escape route and change direction, if I saw them in the street.

    3. This is why I do try to re-direct certain people away from their silly comments, etc. Especially in the twitten which is very narrow.

  4. Perhaps they have an incurable skin disease?

  5. Maybe the oiks cover their faces because they are all ugly buggers. Once we had youth clubs in this country and outreach workers.

  6. I wonder if those youths would turn up for their service and how long it would be before they went AWOL en masse.

    1. If it was designed properly, they would love it. Plenty of interesting things to do, plenty of travel (some abroad), and learning a trade; I'm sure they'd take advantage.

  7. I can't imagine what motivates people to mask and fully cover-up, especially in the heat of the Summer. It can't be very comfortable.
    Idle youth is never good. What a waste.
