Friday 23 August 2024

Why one should always keep a camera handy.


Oh how I wish I'd had my camera (phone) with me yesterday evening.

For the second night running a small baby Roe Deer came up to eat fallen Pears from a tree about 20 yards from where we were sitting. It was the cutest creature imaginable. 

It munched away, as Billy ran up and down chasing tennis balls, he was totally oblivious to the fact that the Deer was just a few yards away.

Eventually Billy spotted it and ran over to where it was eating. They chased each other around the tree for a while and played together, then, amazingly, they both came over to where we were sitting and sat looking at each other for a while. The baby Deer came right up to me, and I held out my hand to stroke it; but this was being a bit too familiar, and it ran off. Billy simply stayed where he was.

I don't know if they were already friends, but it did seem so. I'm sure they knew each other. We're now waiting to see if it comes back again for more fallen Pears. I quite expect it will, and with any luck I'll get a photo of them playing together. Lady M has left him a bucket of water, it hasn't rained here for ages.

Watch this space!


  1. How lovely ..... I get excited when sqirrels and fox's visit our garden, so I would be loving the visit from the deer. Fingers crossed that the deer comes to visit again. XXXX

    1. I'm sure that whilst there are Pears on the ground, it'll return. What a wonderful experience it was!

  2. Your very own Bambi. How sweet.

    1. Absolutely; and even cuter than the original.

  3. I hope you do get to see the deer again and his interaction with Billy. What a wonderful scene. Most unusual.

    1. We were both astonished. He/she had no fear of us, just wandered up with Billy to say hello.

  4. Your description is perfect.... no need for photos, that picture/mental video will stay with you for the rest of your days... it was one of those things that happen and imprint themselves firmly in the mind!!
    Lovely and very, very special!!
    For the rest of us, I hope you gets some pix or better a video.... because it is good to share nice things!!

    1. You're absolutely right, it's something we'll never forget. We can hardly believe it happened.

  5. He will get it from his mum for wandering off like that!

    1. We do see her quite often, but always at a reasonable distance.

  6. What a wonderful thing to happen! Something I'd very much like to see, so don't forget to keep your phone fully charged and handy!

    1. Yes, but it's too late now. I should have had it handy before.

  7. A beautiful thing to see though it makes me wonder where its mama might be. Many times I have had to capture photos in my mind only -because nothing else was available,

    1. We know roughly where they live, I expect Mama was wondering where he'd gone.

  8. Oh I do hope he comes back for you, how lovely!

  9. Replies
    1. Fantastic, not something we could ever have imagined.

  10. How sweet, and one very kind dog.

  11. Moments like that are forever embedded in our minds and hearts... I call them magical ... when for a small moment in time we are part of something 'bigger'.

    1. We're out sitting in the same spot again, hoping that it will come by again. I have my camera ready. We'll see.

  12. The pear must be delicious and the deer knows this. Hopefully he'll be back and you will have your camera. I've never seen or of a deer and dog playing and the deer on my property are numerous.

    1. Strangely, I did once see my last dog (Bok) playing with a Deer in a big field. They were running around together.

  13. I agree "magical" , even more so you both saw it. What a memory to share.

    1. It really was very special. A once in a lifetime experience (I imagine).
