Saturday 10 August 2024

Walnut Oil

I've written previously about Walnut Oil.

Driving around this part of France, you can't help noticing the amount of Walnut trees there are; they are everywhere, both wild and in huge plantations. I imagine that the wild ones are spread by Squirrels burying the nuts, and forgetting them.

There are still several farmyard makers of Walnut Oil around, and it's worth finding them. The 100% pure Oil isn't cheap, but the benefits are huge. Many of the more commercial varieties that one finds in the shops contain other nut oils as well.

I can't guarantee that all this is accurate, but some of the properties of Walnut Oil are as follows.

It reduces inflammation, lowers blood pressure, lowers blood sugar levels, improves cholesterol levels, and is (of course) anti-cancer.
For years I drank a spoonful of Oil every morning, but for some reason I stopped. I must start again. Lady M has just bought me this very fine artisanal Oil, so I shall resume my old habit.

Otherwise, the Oil is wonderful on salads, and there is nothing finer on small new potatoes than Walnut Oil and a sprinkling of coarse Sea Salt.

As you can see on the bottle above, it was produced last month, and has a one year use-by date (which is, of course, nonsense). 



  1. It sounds magical. I wonder if I can find some here?

    1. Possibly in a specialist shop; or Waitrose maybe?

  2. I use artisinal huile de noix for salads... and 25ml of one of the locally made mixes [70% colza/30% huile de noix] when I am breadmaking, rather than butter!
    It is also rather nice brushed on toast instead of butter!!

    1. It can be a little too 'strong' for some uses, but for salads, and new potatoes, it's wonderful.

  3. Not something I'm aware we have here, but I like the sound of it, so will look out for a bottle next time I go to the supermarket.

    1. I've started drinking it again. 2 teaspoons at breakfast every day. I shall be like a sprightly 12 year old before the end of the month.

    2. Adds a new meaning to "well oiled"!!

  4. I understand that walnut oil has some of the properties of an aphrodisiac. One has to rub it in vigorously twice a day.

  5. The walnut is so fresh. It's sure to help ....your general health. I'd like to try it to see the taste. I don't think I've seen it here. Too much olive oil

    1. I think the qualities of Olive and Walnut oils are much the same. Just different flavour.

  6. It oxidizes fast, and is best when fresh. Most oils are like that.

    1. I always used to wrap the bottles in foil, but I haven't done that for a while. These days the oil doesn't last too long.

  7. I hope it works well for you and makes you feel 21 again. I really do . Let us know. I will be next in line to buy some .
    The old remedies are sometimes the best and always cheapest. It worked for our forefathers and mothers and it has been passed down. Something we should take more head in and less in the doctors. We don't have to go to the doctor for every pin prick we have. Some do, I hate to say.

    1. I must say, I totally agree with you. People are all to quick to rush off to the doctor these days, and the doc's just consult Dr Google.

  8. I have raw walnuts on hand but have never seen walnut oil. Walnut oil on a salad with some lemon juice sounds good too. Maple walnut ice cream is a favorite. Raw pumpkin and sunflower seeds are very good too.

    1. Sunflower seeds have great healing powers, but DO MAKE SURE they're BIO.

  9. Are there walnuts in the bottom of the bottle? It looks as if there are.

    1. There are Joanne. About four nuts in the bottom just to give it that extra appeal.
