Friday 30 August 2024

Tax and Spend.

I really don't wish to start attacking Starmer & Co after such a short time in office, but all those who voted FOR our new Labour government, and all those who voted AGAINST, knew one thing; that Labour's Trades Union paymasters would need to be rewarded, and that those who work hard, motorists, and the elderly would be the one's to pay. 

So far, handouts to Union members are costing taxpayers about £14 Billion; and this is just the beginning. They've handed-out generous salary increases to train drivers who were already some of the highest Union earners, earning in excess of £65,000; and they've taken away the small 'Winter Fuel Payments' from 10 Million old age pensioners who scrape-by on about £12,000. We still have the Autumn Budget to come; and we have been told to expect more horrors. They're not making themselves popular, even amongst their own supporters. Believe it or not, some 'pensioners' did actually vote for them!

Even after the generous offer to the train drivers that I mentioned above, a second rail Union has been threatening to strike as well (that may now have been halted); along with Passport Control workers, doctors, and many others. 

It looks like we'll be having a serious 'Autumn/Winter of Discontent'. The Unions have paid their dues; now they want the blood! 

People are already suggesting that Sir Keir Starmer's honeymoon period is over, he has told the UK that times will be tough. Frankly, don't earn a decent living, or you'll be stung. Don't go to the Pub' if you're a smoker. Don't drive your car. Don't save any money. And probably worst of all; don't leave any money in your will.

It isn't surprising that they didn't tell us about their policies before the election; they simply said that the country needed a CHANGE, and that's what we've got. The 'Labour Party' was founded and funded by the Trades Union movement, and they have to be rewarded; or else!

They inherited falling inflation, and the strongest economical growth in the G7. They are already doing their best, not only to deny it, but to turn the tide.  

Give to the rich, and take from the poor. I can understand the lower echelons voting for them, but is this what the mainstream Labour supporters really voted for?

I didn't vote.


  1. Be afraid ..... be very afraid !!! XXXX

    1. That seems to be what everyone is saying; they can't all be wrong.

  2. Shame on you for not voting.

    1. I half agree with you, but who would I have voted for? Certainly NOT this bunch above.

  3. And in Microbrain we have seen the destruction of the UK oil and gas industry, allegedly to secure our energy supplies. Just how cretinous are this bunch?

    1. Yes, did I read this morning that they're taking away all support from the North Sea rigs? Bizarre.

  4. The last lot were terrible but this shower will be far worse.
    Vote Reform.

    1. I find it amusing that they're even warning us how GHASTLY they're going to be.

  5. If you don't vote you cannot complain about any government in charge of this country.

    1. You're right of course, but this time it was a conscious decision. My man in Brighton didn't stand a hope of getting elected. At least I can say I didn't vote Labour!

  6. As a pensioner myself, I remain delighted that Labour are in power at Westminster. All along, they said that inheriting the rotten Tory legacy would be very challenging. The main policies were contained in the Labour party's election manifesto. It's funny how you paint the picture as it is very different from how I would paint it. Seeing their demise approaching, the Tories deliberately shied away from settling simmering pay claims - purposely leaving them for the new Labour government to sort out. Keir Starmer and his team are capable, focused and determined to serve this great country to the best of their ability - being truthful as they proceed.

    1. If you go back a few months you'll see that the Tories were negotiating with the Unions for ages; they simply refused to co-operate, hoping that Labour would be an easier touch (I imagine), and of course they were!

      I was listening to LBC last night, and every Labour supporter who'd called in said they'd NEVER vote Labour ever again. There'll only be YOU left!!!

    2. YP, agree. Let's leave aside that Cro never appears happy until he has something to crow about. In this context he reminds me of someone (Tories) leaving a huge pile of shit (not even manure - at least that would serve a purpose) to the next occupant. At dawn. And then complains that the stable(s) haven't be cleared by sunset. Goodness, big ships take time to avoid an iceberg never mind turning a country around.

      I also agree with commentators Potty and East Witton re Cro not voting. To live in a democracy is a privilege - hard won. To not make use of it is at best negligent, at worst ethically questionable. I am a bloody foreigner [albeit EU member country citizen]. Whilst having lived in the UK most my adult life I am not allowed to vote in the general elections. I can't tell you how it pains me to be deprived of that vote. Aristotle called humans "zoon politikon" - political animals by nature.

      Of course, with considerable effort, one could argue that Cro is making use of that definition by exercising his right to not participate. Alas, and it was one of the first lessons in politics my father taught me, by NOT voting you are most likely to play into the hands of that and those you are not in favour of. HA! The irony of it!


    3. Well, that was interesting. No wonder Labour were elected with folk like you and YP around.
      As for my not voting; I agree with you. However, if you'd seen the rabble on offer, I don't think you'd have voted either.

    4. Says the Tory. Cro, you may not choose to vote, but you are quite happy to reap the benefits of whatever government in power provides. If it was indeed the case, then shame on you for not voting. It's a right that has been hard fought for by people that needed it.

    5. Labour lied to the public after the election. Their false 'shock' at the state of the public finances is a lie as the Office of Budget Responsibility confirmed. Labour are using this as an excuse to raise taxes on pensioners, capital gains and inheritance.

    6. Of course they're lying. You can't one minute be the strongest G7 economy, and the next in the gutter.

    7. Gary: I don't know what benefits you think I receive, but I can assure you that I receive NONE; not even a tiny pension. I make my own provisions in life, and rely on no-one.


  7. Haven't read the news yet this morning, but by removing all support from the UK gas and oil industry, is this the first move to sell it on they'll - or is it a directive from Russia?

    1. I think they want nothing but Solar, Wind, and Nuclear power. But I think it's better to keep all options open.

  8. Oh dear, we are very divided. I almost spoilt my ballot paper but right at the last minute my X went to Reform. No one in their right mind would vote for Conservative or Labour, they are exactly the same. Both are puppets of the Cabal, (The Cult), we all know who they are. They are in the process of turning us into frightened and whimpering slaves, who rely on the state for everything. They have the money and we don't. No that's not right. They have no money, they just move debt around. Cutting emissions will only work if everybody stops flying, everybody stops driving, no shipping containers moving, and everybody works from home. It isn't going to happen. They want to charge us more in taxes, so they pretend it will work.

    1. The UK is in a sorry state. Sadly it will soon become even sadder. I can hardly wait to see what Ms Reeves has in store for us in her Autumn Budget. My belt won't tighten much further, but no doubt Ursula and YP (above) still have plenty of slack in theirs. They seem to be enjoying see our money disappear.
      I didn't know much about 'Reform', or their candidates. I'd need to be convinced.

    2. The UK is in a very sorry state. It didn’t get there in the last couple of months!

      Brexit was a huge mistake - people had no idea what they were voting for.

      Labour did publish a manifesto you know - so you could have found out what their policies were. As a pensioner I am glad the universality of the winter fuel allowance has been scrapped. It was going to far too many people who didn’t need it.

      As for them and the global cabal - that is just foolishness. Puppets of the cult - just silly stuff promoted by the likes of David Icke who believes the royal family are shape shifting aliens!

    3. I have always thought that the two real advantages of the EU were 'The Single Market' and 'The Freedom of Movement'; sadly both things that Starmer is completely ruling out. I cannot understand why.
      There's always a lot of rubbish spoken about politics, but this time we all seem to agree that there are very tough times ahead.

    4. Traveller will always attack me wherever I go. It's his mission in life. Doesn't matter what I say or where I go, he follows. He knows everything, or so he thinks.

    5. Traveller - you appear to be ignorant of the close association between Soros and all of the UK prime ministers from Blair onwards. All have benefited hugely financially from his largess, once again the mantra of "follow the money" applies in spades to the direction of travel of the UK under every one of those PMs.

    6. Commenting on the idea - not the person. There is a difference. I ridicule the idea that there is a single global cabal that is running everything. In the same way I ridicule the idea of a planned pandemic.

      As for people who make money from all this hogwash, shape shifting aliens etc, if I am honest I has a bit of admiration that people make money from this - you too can buy a ticket to hear someone speak about this. Snake oil anyone?

      Your comment Cro about the two advantages perfectly illustrates the point that people did not understand the implications of the Brexit vote. The single market represented free movement of people, goods, services and capital - ie it includes freedom of movement.

      I certainly do not know everything.

    7. The EU is an anti-democratic superstate, and represents a failing model for future prosperity - it is outgrown by many other economies across the world. The UK growth took a nosedive on our joining in the 1970s, and could have rebounded substantially had we had politicians that even remotely subscribed to actually using the freedoms from the sclerotic blanket that was Brussels technocracy.

    8. There he goes again, always banging on about David Icke making money out of his books and speaking engagements. Yes, I paid £28 to meet David and listen to what he says. I want to learn more about what is going on.

      This post is about the current Government, but watch how Traveller twists words around and hijacks it to suit his own narrative. He always does it.

      Starmer and Sunack, both under the influence of Soros, both pushing the WEF mantra. The Great Reset, Build Back Better, that's a laugh, first they have to destroy the economy.

    9. Also, let's not forget that Sir Kneeler very publicly claimed that he much preferred Davos and the WEF to our UK Westminster parliament - in a previous age such language would have seen him disgraced as a traitor.

    10. Personally I think stopping those 40 Jamaican criminals from being repatriated back in 2020 amounts to being a traitor. Who was later responsible for all the crimes they went on to commit; including one murder?

  9. Change is bound to happen. The same will take place in the US after our elections.

    1. I believe that Biden has done many good things, but we never get to hear details over here. Is Trump still wanting to build his wall? I never did hear how it went the last time. As for the new gal, I haven't heard at all what she stands for. It's all a bit of a mystery this time round.
