Monday 26 August 2024

Sons, daughters, and grandchildren.

For me, the worst thing about dying will be not knowing what happens to my children and grandchildren. I will probably be worrying about them on my death bed!

Will they live long and healthy lives? Will all 6 of my grandsons achieve their dreams and earn reasonable livings? Will they all live their lives free from warfare?

So far the younger members of the family are all showing signs of being good, law-abiding, members of society. They have all been raised by certain standards, and I believe will wish that to continue. They are healthy, reasonably intelligent, and have ambition. I have to thank their parents for making sure that that was so.

Personally I also find them all reasonably good-looking, which is never a bad thing.

I would like to believe in some form of 'life after death', just so that I could keep an eye on them, but I'm not kidding myself. I'll just have to rely on their own good judgement to do what's best.

Above is Kimbo with his two strapping lads.



  1. Some wonderful things happened to me in the days and weeks after each of my parents died that reinforced my belief that another existence awaits after death. If so, hopefully it will allow you to watch over your grandsons and somehow guide them.

    1. My mother told me that if she wanted to contact me from 'the other side', that she would appear in the form of a Four Leafed Clover. I'm afraid that has yet to happen, but I'm always on the lookout!

  2. It sounds silly or funny, but sometimes when there are alarms and missiles around here and I'm standing in the hallway of the house that can't really protect me, I ask my parents to protect me, my brother laughed when he heard about it, but so far it's worked...
    Your grandchildren have grown up to be lovely boys.

    1. Yael, we're very lucky with our grandsons, they are all lovely boys. I have great hopes for their futures.

  3. The future belongs to them and we cannot go there.

    1. It would be good to have a KEYHOLE though!

  4. And so it goes on, passed down to the next generation.

  5. I don't have children, so therefore no grandchildren, but I often wonder what the current younger generation will make of their grandchildren. Will they shake their heads and disapprove of the way things are, or turn a blind eye? We'll never know - just as it's been for past generations.

  6. Just my opinion but'll know...and be able to help them along the way. I firmly believe in life after death. Owning to my own scary experience...which turned out to be absolutely wonderful...vivid. I'll never be afraid to cross over, and look forward to seeing family and friends, once again.
    Have a happy week!

    1. I envy you your belief. I'm afraid I'm not so confident; but who knows!

  7. Lovely boys and a credit to you.
    The thing about an afterlife is that nobody knows. A lot of people only look at it in the way we look at things on this Earth but it might all be different ..... I am open-minded and would never rule anything out as I don't know. Hopefully, I'll see you on the other side Cro 🤣😇 !!!

    1. I shall look forward to it hugely Jaqueline.
      There are several people who I would love to see again.

  8. Those lads are tall!
    It's sad to think I won't be around to see my grandkids grow up. At least I'm seeing how my own girls have done. All we can do is hope they live in peace and happiness.

    1. I think their father (Kimbo) is about 6ft 5ins, so they take after him. It would be nice to know how they all get on in the future, but alas....

  9. Cro, I too am of the belief that you will 'have that keyhole'. My passed on family have always been there for me - or at least it's been my experience. No, there's no guarantees, but the belief is comforting.

    1. Well, I must say that I do like the idea, but we can but wait to see!

  10. If my grandmother could see me now, what would she say?

    1. She'd probably wonder what that plastic thing was in front of you, that you keep tapping with your fingers!

  11. That's about the most we can do once they have been brought up and set free.

    1. It then becomes out of our control, all we can hope is that we did a decent job.

  12. Great photo. Hold them in your heart as they will you.
    One of my husband's last thoughts was.... we'll see. On someone saying something about heaven. He never believed there was more...but I was glad to see, in the end, he was open to the possibility he was hoping so.

    1. I think he was right. The 'possibility' is very comforting, but I'm not over confident.
