Thursday 1 August 2024

'Patriots' March in London

I'm not a fan of Tommy Robinson, or his band of extreme right-wing followers, but I have to admit that I can understand why so many are. People are simply fed-up with all the evil emanating from those to whom the UK has given asylum, and NO-ONE seems prepared to do anything about it. The perfect scenario for extremists.

Don't bother watching more than a couple of minutes of the video. It's all much the same.

Appalling things are happening in the UK almost on a daily basis. Just recently three small girls aged 6, 7, and 9, were stabbed to death at a junior dance class in Southport near Liverpool and another 8 seriously injured. The knife-wielder was a 17 year old lunatic who was born in Cardiff to a family who had come from Rwanda. Apparently he was 'known to the police'.

This cannot be allowed to continue, it's becoming as regular as clockwork. If they don't like living in the UK, they are always free to return to their own homelands. We could even buy them the effing ticket.

The 'English Defence League' (right-wing mob) made their feelings known about these killings by burning Police vehicles, and throwing bricks at the local mosque. Any excuse, and they'll be there.

One good bit of news is that the infamous Islamist hate preacher, Anjem Choudary, has recently been jailed for a minimum of 28 years for his involvement with terrorism. It seems that he has spent his entire time in the UK organising killer groups.

Why wasn't Choudary deported years ago?

I hear that in Germany they're bulldozing mosques where such hatred is preached. 

p.s. I've just been looking at the news headlines from the UK, and I see that serious rioting has spread throughout the country. I think they'll only be happy after a public lynching of the 17 year old.


  1. There is a lot of mis-information concerning these child murders, if I have contributed to them I will try to make good as soon as possible.

  2. "Serious rioting has spread throughout the country..." No rioting here in Sheffield and none over in Hull or Beverley plus I phoned my son to check and none in Fulham, Hammersmith or Chelsea. In fact the angry wrongly directed reaction of right wing ignoramuses is little more than a whimper - like a dud firework. Great Britain remains a peace-loving kingdom where for the most part citizens get on happily with each other - occasionally hearing horrible news such as the vile attack by a mentally-challenged boy with a knife in Southport. Thank God he didn't have a gun.

    1. I wish you were right. Sadly such troubles are on the rise, and will affect everywhere before long. There is a tide of ill-feeling around which is bound to get worse.

    2. I live here and I am not aware of that "ill-feeling which is bound to get worse". If it is there it must be a trickle rather than a tide.

    3. Just look at the video. These are people from all walks of life; the right and the left. They are fed-up with what's happening.

    4. YP has been sucked in by the MSM. The killer is not a boy, that is misinformation, he is a young man. It is yet to be proved that he is mentally challenged. The media always use that term to quell any knee jerk reactions.

    5. Inside the court room, the judge said an order preventing Rudakubana being named until his 18th birthday would have "little practical effect in terms of protecting the welfare of the defendant or his family".
      He turns 18 next week.

    6. Frankly, I think such people should be named however old they are.

    7. Meanqueen might think That YP has been “sucked in by MSM” At least he hasn’t been sucked in by the likes of David Icke. He of the Shapeshifting aliens persuasion Today on Twitter, he posted the following:
      “ I have been writing for decades about the black eyed people and I have experienced it myself not least with former British Prime Minister Edward Heath as I’ve explained in my books. Shapeshifting is real and people dismiss it because they don’t grasp the illusion nature of physical reality. Deep in the rabbit hole I know, but it’s where we have to go to understand the true scale of human control laugh all you like couldn’t care less.”

      I guess it sells books, Allows him to live on the Isle of Wight, but unfortunately it sucks in gullible people and I’m not talking about YP here.

  3. My first comment must have gone to "Spam" - a village just outside Brighton.

  4. There is never any excuse for attacking the police and the properties of local people. The people of Southport have been horrified by the rioters pouring into their town from far and wide purely for the sake of rioting. So much misinformation has been spread, it's absolutely disgusting.

    The families and friends of the children and adults attacked by this madman do not need the added pain of knowing that this has triggered so much pain in their town. The local people, as seen in action on the news last night, were out on the streets, rebuilding walls, relaying roads, repairing the windows of the mosque and cleaning their streets. They are to be commended.

    1. The extreme right are a nasty bunch of hooligans who will travel anywhere for a fight, and the chance to throw bricks at the police. I believe over 100 were arrested last night. I hope they are severely punished!

  5. With the splendid! news that interred criminals are about to be released early from prison, there won't be anything to stop hooliganism from whichever quarter it comes. They all know that they won't receive any punishment (if at all) befitting the violence they have caused. Sadly scenes like these will become more widespread. There no longer seems to be such a thing as a peaceful protest.

    1. These violent protests help nobody's cause. Action needs to be taken elsewhere against the perpetrators of such vile crimes; and against those who incite them.

  6. I believe there is such a thing as peaceful protests. They start out full of good intentions, by victims who have lost confidence in the police and the criminal justice system. They want their grievances to be listened to. Then the protests are hijacked by criminals, who are neither far right or far left. They are just criminals. The police are negligent in providing protection for their citizens. They have a two tier system which favours one group of people over another. Justice will never be done when there is this bias which is driven by money.

    1. In the recent Leeds riots, the police quit the scene, only to return many hours later. They didn't want to be involved!!!

  7. Violence on the streets is horrific. Random and targeted acts by criminals or the mentally ill seem on the increase. New arrivals to any country present challenges. In Massachusetts, our shelter system is full and new regulations are in force requiring limited stays. I do hear many want to work and some effort is being made to employ newcomers.

    1. Those who wish to assimilate are always welcome, and they often do very well for themselves; the Indian community in the UK are a good example.

      Sadly others come simply for the free handouts, lax laws for criminals, and with a built-in hatred for those who help them. We also have far too many illegal immigrants who come from France in Rubber boats; we even send our 'Border Force' people to pick them up and bring them to England. It's all got out of hand.

  8. To the maker of this fine Earth planet. Please help us, the innocent, all of us need help. Love , teach us we should love each other. We should all care for each other. After all, we were all once innocents. Teach all that kindness helps us as well as the ones we are kind to. Please turn the minds , the hearts of the ones who do not see this to the way that is loving . Help all of mankind to be of one loving , caring mind. We all know right from wrong. Please let us all be right. Amen.

    1. Wouldn't it be nice, Gemma, if we could get all the nations and religions of the world together and make them see sense. Do they really want to kill each other? Do they really want to dominate the world? Do they really want to expand their ideology? Lets have a bit of common sense around.

    2. Wow. Now re reading this , is it all because of people's strident belief in "their " religion? Not really a religion then.
      All should be welcome. Throw out all religions and would we all get along?

  9. The Mail are now saying whipped up by Moscow. What has happened to us?

    1. Yes, I read that too, and originally gave false info about the killer. That's why I put the first comment up, because one simply doesn't know any more!

  10. Just to add my two cents worth:
    He isn't a boy - he is 18 next week and that makes him an adult.
    This was not a mental health breakdown - if it had been he'd have started off by stabbing anyone in his home and then neighbours or people out on the street in his own neighbourhood.
    Instead he called a taxi and directed it to a location and at a time that he must have scoped out ahead of time. He didn't stab the cabbie even though they got in a fight because he refused to pay the fare. He didn't stab the two local workmen who came out to see what was going on. He went directly to his pre-planned target - a room full of little girls and their female teachers. He targeted them - he maimed, murdered and terrorized a whole community. THAT is terrorism and should be prosecuted as such.
    As for the protestors - yes, the thugs should be called out and arrested - BUT - I am so tired of everyone who dares to peacefully protest these sorts of incidents labelled as FAR RIGHT. NO they aren't. They are ordinary people of all different ages and colours (watch the video) who are sick and tired of this sort of craziness and why is it that the police will crack down on them - even bringing out the riot police but things like Leeds and Rochdale and those thugs out with machetes the other night are not dealt with - instead the police run away. Last night a reporter who happened to come across the protest at Downing St. - dressed in a suit and not doing anything illegal was summarily handcuffed by a police officer = despite repeatedly telling her he was press - it's all on Youtube. It took a lot of talking and interference from some more senior officers to get him released - this is who the police target but thugs with machetes are allowed to roam the streets at will? No wonder people have had enough!

    1. And all of this because for years our politicians didn't have the guts to do anything about the situation. They were warned that this would happen; even Enoch Powell warned them, yet there are still many who see no problem. I really don't know what to say about it any more.

  11. I'm going to slip this one in here, though people might not come back and find it. Godfrey Bloom talks about two tier policing. How they are trained to police different groups of people.

    1. Yes, we do all know that what he said is true. We see it all the time. Thanks for that M.
