Thursday 8 August 2024

Old friends

New situations in life bring new friendships. I still have good friends from my Prep' School days, my Upper School days, and from my College days. 

Mostly we eventually lose contact with them; we move around, and unless we are 'facebook' friends we never hear from them again.

I've recently tried to find an old friend from my Prep' School days (aged 6-13). Richard was a very outgoing young man who desperately wanted to be a girl. I've written about him before. As hard as I try to find him; I cannot. Of course he may no longer be with us, I simply don't know.

From my College days I have always kept in contact with one good friend, who also lives in France, but further south. We don't see each other much these days but there's always news at Christmas, etc. Simon and I went through our Fine Art degree courses together, and shared a taste for beer, literature, and the French countryside. 

So, I was extremely happy to have a phone call from him recently. He's more active than I am, and still has projects to keep him busy. Simon (above) is a renowned Watercolour Painter, and you can see his work here.....

Simon Fletcher

Simple things in life can be so rewarding. That recent phone call was to ask after my health, etc, and was really appreciated. We exchanged some news of family, and really enjoyed about 10 mins of chatty conversation. My circle of good friends is dwindling these days; we're all approaching 80, and not many live pain, or illness, free.

So, thank you for your call Simon! My good friends are like 'family'. We must speak again more often.


  1. Was Richard the twin. (I think his brother died). I remember him at one of your birthday parties.

    1. Yes, he was run-over by a car after he chased a ball down his drive. It was at one of my parties when he asked mother to change him into a girl (by magic).

    2. I remember he just wanted to play with the girls. I wonder what happened to him.

  2. Replies
    1. I know you have a very wide circle of friends John, but I'm more 'retiring', and insular. Good friends are important.

  3. That was a wonderful friendship catch up call you had. I followed the link and see that Simon is a talented painter. Perhaps he will visit you in person one day.

  4. It is easy to drift apart so that someone you shared good and bad times with, someone you laughed and cried with becomes almost lost in the mists of time. That's how it is with old friends.

    1. Especially at my age. Of course, inside I still think I'm about 32.

  5. I tried to get in contact with my old school friend after drifting apart for many years. I was sad to find out she had died in her thirties or forties from breast cancer.

  6. Some of my old school friends pop up as friends, bridge players or even a nurse of my sister in law or nephews and neices. When they hear the name they send greetings to me. I remeber the names but have hard time putting faces to some. Thank goodness I have all my old High School Year books and can work them out.
    You're lucky to be able to talk with your friend. He's a great painter

    1. You should give his exhibition a surprise visit.

    2. He's a very good, and dedicated, watercolour painter. Sadly I'm not as mobile as I used to be.

  7. I regularly see my friend that I was with in the infants and another who started with me at Senior school and, I recently met up with another friend from school who I hadn't seen for 50 years !!! Old friends are the best ..... there is so much history between us. New friends are lovely to have but they can never be the same as the friends that we have lived our lives with. Lovely that you caught up with Simon ...... hopefully you will catch up some more .... old friends are so important . XXXX

    1. I agree. I have one other friend who I've known since we were about 6 years old. He's a top Tennis photographer (mostly retired now).

  8. Keep reaching out, sending messages, making calls.

    1. Contact is important. No man is an island.

  9. SF's work is lovely. Your friendship with him has lasted the test of time. I'd be tempted to arrange a visit to his gallery. My best childhood friend has recently returned to Massachusetts and it was great to talk on the phone and then visit.

    1. He did say that he might visit us in Brighton, which would be nice.

  10. It is difficult to stay in touch, so even though I despise FB, I am grateful for the connection to old friends and family.

    1. I'm not a fan either, but it does keep you in touch. I think I have just 12 people on my FB page.

  11. It is too easy to lose touch..but FB has been vital in keeping links and re-establishing them.
    Another important thing is to have friends of all ages with common interests
