Tuesday 6 August 2024

Moment police arrest terrorist carrying 10kg bomb at Leeds hospital

With the disgraceful images from Southport, Liverpool, Manchester, Hull, Leeds, and Belfast (to name but a few) fresh in our minds, I suppose my attitude is much the same as 99% of my fellow native Brits; I detest the riots, and I also detest the rioters. 

Many people are so desperate to come to the 'land of milk and honey' for all the freedoms and advantages it offers; yet when some of them arrive they try to kill us; and some actually do! 

Strangely, Mr Mohanned Sohail Farooq is actually a trainee nurse; so why he would want to blow-up a hospital (maternity ward) is anyone's guess. At least his case didn't prompt any rioting.

This was a very bizarre case, and Farooq was tried and found guilty, but his sentence has yet to be announced. It seems that he was an ISIS supporter and hated all 'infidels'.

The problem is that every time a fanatic kills, or tries to kill, someone; the whole community is blamed.

I cannot imagine a Brit going to a Middle Eastern country and wanting to blow-up one of their hospitals! 


  1. I don't recall this. How can it be correct?
    I know. The evil, white, extreme, far right must have made him do it. It's the only explanation.

    1. It's a strange religion. You are told to kill 'infidels', and the punishment for apostacy is death from your own people. There's a lot of death surrounding 'belief'.

  2. He learned something from his friends in Gaza who hid rockets and bombs under children's beds and in hospitals.

    1. What a charming bunch of 'Freedom Fighters'.

  3. We might not wish to blow up their hospitals but upon request we'd be happy to blow up their bouncy castles and inflatables.

    1. I don't wish to sound anti-Muslim (because I'm not), but they often don't make themselves very likeable.

  4. It's impossible to reason with people who have been brain-washed. I hope he is returned to his native country.

    1. He should certainly be sent home once he's served his prison sentence.

  5. England has experienced the worst street violence in decades with several police injured and a hotel set ablaze and you decide the most relevant story to illustrate this is something that happened in January 2023.

    The street violence was triggered by the murder of three children in Southport. The murder is British - born in Cardiff, educated in British schools - nothing to do with the “boat loads of immigrants” and not Muslim.

    As for Farooq being retuned to “his native country” - no need to ship him anywhere. He is British. So, given “every time a fanatic kills, or tries to kill, someone; the whole community is blamed”, it sounds as if Britain should be blamed for both incidents.

    1. I've already spoken about the 3 murdered children. Yes, you're right; we've allowed these situations to occur. How to stop future killings is another question. All that worries our politicians is how to stop the 'Far right thugs'.

    2. p.s. The fact that Farooq is British, and he was trying to kill his fellow Brits, makes it even worse.

  6. I don't know if your politics are similar to here. Is the far right - conservative or liberal?

    1. In the UK we now have a new Socialist government, and over here in France we will only know about the new government after the Olympics are over; which I suspect will be left-wing too. The far right mobs are just hooligans, and not connected to any party.

  7. When the street becomes violent, are military personnel brought in to help restore order?

    1. They have threatened to bring-in the military. There's a lot more rioting forecast; one of which is in my home town of Brighton for TODAY. I think they'll be coming from outside town, as Brightonians themselves are very liberal people.

  8. Awful thing to try to do. Meanwhlie the IDF are quite happy to shell hospitals and the West sits on it's hands for political expedience.

  9. Your story reminds me of Omar Khadr. A Canadian of convenience who along with his ISIS supporting family participated in the wars. As a youngish teenage her killed a US medic and was detained by the Americans in Guantanamo. The Canadian government got his released and gave him $10 million for his troubles and returned him to Canada. He now lives in my area. He's married and decided he wanted to become a nurse. Huge outcry and then radio silence.

    His widowed Mother returned to Canada with her handicapped child to claim government assistance in raising him in Ontario. Her married daughters live there.

    They have been extremely quiet recently.

    The average Canadian on the street is tired of paying for this family and other families of "Canadians" who return to their birthlands to live and then expect to be repatriated "home to Canada" during violent conflicts.
