Sunday 21 July 2024



We all experience aches and pains at some time or other; some are almost inconsequential, whilst others can be all-invading and debilitating.

For some time I've been suffering from Sciatica, onset of hip osteoarthritis, and a dodgy right knee. All of which were not really life-changing.

However, just recently my right hip has really started 'playing-up', and is extremely painful. Walking short distances has become a nightmare, and going up and down stairs takes me for ever.

Not only is the pain itself very unpleasant, but I'm not someone who likes to sit down and do nothing. I like to be active all day long, and I have a lot to do.

I have now made an appointment to see my old doctor; it is for August 5th (England is not alone in long waiting times). I need some serious pain killers, I've tried Ibuprofen and Diclofenac but neither seem to do much good. I now have to wait two bloody weeks before I can be prescribed something stronger; if indeed he'll give me something stronger!


  1. That's not good. Do you need an x-ray.

    1. I hope not. I just want some pain killers.

    2. I had awful tried all sorts of pain meds ..nothing helped Finally he put me on Gabapentin. ..48 hours later was pain free.Google it ..I just take one a day and rarely get a twinge of pain .I also tried leg stretches .Another big help .Good luck .

    3. I looked it up, it doesn't seem to be used for Osteoarthritis. I did see that it's also given to dogs!!! My sciatica is playing second fiddle at the moment; it's the hip that really hurts.

    4. Sorry you are having sciatica pain Cro, I've been there, and a cortisone shot and physical therapy were the only treatments that helped long-term. I've recently started taking Gabapentin for shoulder pain, it's a game changer. Prescribed mostly for neuropathy pain but not considered an opioid. Hope you soon get relief.

  2. Watch out for opioid painkillers - they can be effective but can have unpleasant side effects.

    1. I hate to say this, but I really don't mind. At the moment I simply need to be pain free.

  3. Sorry to hear that Cro. I well remember the pain of a slipped disc and can imagine what you are experiencing. Long term painkillers are not good though.

    1. I'm quite old, so side effects are really the last thing on my mind. I just want to be able to get about without too much pain.

  4. Aw gosh, sorry to hear this Cro, trapped nerve perhaps? I really hope you get some pain relief soon.

    1. Thank you. Yes, pain is horrible. I probably shouldn't complain; there are people far worse off than me. But it's constant, and it has taken me a bit by surprise.

  5. There's nothing funny to be said about this. I tossed a few ideas around in my head but no - nothing funny at all. All I can give you is my sincere sympathy Cro.

    1. Not even I can laugh about it. It's changed my life, and I'm not certain what the future will hold.

    2. I've just this second fallen down the stairs; No damage thank goodness.

  6. Sorry to hear your problem, Cro, and sympathise. Is there nowhere you can go as an emergency patient, rather then having to suffer in pain for two weeks?
    Does it affect your driving and swimming? Take extra care when coming down the stairs in future.

    1. My driving is OK, and swimming a little painful. It's mostly when I'm standing, walking, etc, when it's troublesome. I just need some decent pills.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am taking Ibuprofen, would the Codeine Paracetamol be better?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Cro, Ibuprofen? Forget it. Lightweight.

      The codeine based brand Rachel is, most likely, referring to is "Solpadeine". Maybe someone from your English contingent can send some to you asap. Though I'd be surprised if the French don't have same under different name.

      Have you considered getting a new mattress? Those twenty years old saggy jobs don't do anyone's backs any favours, regardless of the sleeper's age.


    4. All our mattresses are new and firm. In fact I don't think I've ever slept on better.

  8. So sorry. I know what it's like to live with constant pain, but I would urge you to be very careful with stronger painkillers. They will affect your ability to think clearly, whether you realise it or not. Perhaps an op. would be a better option?

    1. My wife says I should consider an op'. But I'm vary wary of hospitals and their knives.

  9. So sorry to hear this, Cro. You might try soaking in a hot bath... it loosens muscles and may give you a bit of relief. And massage could help some... at least until you get to see a doctor.

    1. I've tried an ice pack, but I don't think it did much good, maybe heat would be better.

  10. And what if he starts talking about hip or knee replacements?
    Hope you get the opiates you need and can walk again.
    Careful on those stairs, next time

    1. Yes, I've now got an aching left shoulder as well as all my other aches and pains. Stairs should be banned. I think we're moving out to sleep downstairs in the Tower tonight.

  11. you may want to change shoes and add insoles. check the soles of your shoes.
    ice-20 minutes off/20 minutes on. alternate with heat. also, make sure you are not constipated. If you like to eat lots of nuts and seeds it can cause diverticulitis if you're backed up. don't mean to be too personal but these are normal functions we all have to deal with. Enjoy your Sunday.

    1. I do remember many years ago I had some foot pain, and I bought some leather insoles. The curative effect was instantaneous. Thanks for the tip; I'll try it again.

  12. Obviously I'm sorry to hear that. To come on so suddenly is odd if it's a hip replacement issue. However, in the UK I think I'm correct in saying that the codeine and paracetamol available (only at a pharmacy) is only the lowest strength. It is highly addictive.

    I won't go into details here but I would strongly suggest a proper and thorough examination. It may be a trapped nerve but it may be a lot more serious.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Graham, an emergency is an emergency. The codeine Rachel referred to is highly effective or, at least, will take the edge off the pain. I say this as someone who, some fourteen years ago, found herself in A&E with a broken wrist, and the bone between wrist and elbow dislodged. They tried to reset it manually. No such luck. I have a high pain threshold but their attempts sent me through the roof. So they tucked me up in bed and gave me morphine to tie me over to next day's surgery [K-wires]. It was bliss, bliss, bliss and bliss. Am I now addicted to morphine? No.


    3. Some years ago I had a very minor op' on my back, in my GP's surgery. I was dosed on Morphine both before and after; It was heavenly. I'm no addict either!

  13. Hope that time in the sun and pool is less painful, while you wait.

    1. Swimming is surprisingly painless, I imagine it's having no weight on my legs. A bit dull and cloudy today, so probably no swim.

  14. I'm so sorry to read this Cro, I hope things get better soon.

    1. I'm sure they will, just one of life's little problems.

  15. I've been dealing with similar issues and my doctor has me in physical therapy once a week. The therapist has give me a series of stretches and exercises to do every day and it is slowly but surely bringing me relief. I take Tylenol for pain and have had to take it less each day now... Hope you're feeling better soon!

    1. Thanks for that Ellen, that gives me hope.

  16. Will you consider addressing the root cause of the pain(s)? My neighbor was in great pain, he got codeine shots and they helped for a while and suddenly no longer worked. An x-ray showed bone compression was the issue and reducing the friction by removing some bone (at the pressure point) solved the problem. Another friend, needed a hip replacement and she had a state-of-the-art MakoSmartRobotics surgery at Emerson Hospital, Concord, MA. She is now pain free. (This would be my choice if I needed a hip or knee replacement.)

    1. I fear that hip-replacement might be the only option. There will be a long waiting list, and I hate the idea of surgery; but we'll see.
