Wednesday 10 July 2024



I can't imagine not having a dog in the house, even though I have sworn that Billy will be my last!

These two below were just wonderful. First we had Monty (the Lab'). He came from a rescue center run by the wonderful Miss Tadpole. Then our neighbour's dog, Bok, became friends with him, and they were inseparable; his owner eventually asked us if we'd like to have him, as he practically lived with us anyway. We said 'yes'.

They had a wonderful life together; every day was an adventure. Sadly they both died quite young, then along came Billy.

In between time there was Fred, our cat. I liked Freddy, he was aloof, haughty, and dismissive. He lived an independent life (as do most cats), just turning up for food when he felt like it. I miss having a cat around the place. I always liked to see Fred wandering around the garden, up in the Quince tree, or sleeping under some favourite flowers. A cat is a moving ornament that decorates one's environment, and demands very little in return.

He here is, bored stiff by what I'm doing. Having his early morning siesta.

I don't suppose we'll have any more animals. They do restrict one's freedom as we've always made sure their welfare always comes before ours; as a result our travels are somewhat limited.

A cat could probably live here by itself for a couple of weeks. These days there are wonderful inventions such as magnetic cat-flaps, daily dosage feeders, and containers that provide a good supply of water, and I'm sure that solo cats can be perfectly happy. If the automatic feeder failed to work, they could always dine on MICE. However, we would never do that, as cats like company and they would probably feel as if they'd been abandoned.

I must go; Billy is wanting a walk.


  1. It is a big commitment, and cats love company, they would be so scared by themselves.

    1. I agree. I think all these modern devices that allow you to leave your cat whilst you go away on holiday are not to be recommended.

  2. Our cat flap reads their chip and would only allow our cats in, we are missing our girls and will get another cat later in the year, we have our wooden floors being sanded and re-varnished next month, best done without pets around.

    1. We have mostly Oak parquet flooring in England, but the newly re-vamped kitchen has some modern imitation wood surface that Billy hates. He slips on it and refuses to fetch any ball that ends-up there.

  3. I have never lived with any pets due to quite uncomfortable allergic reactions. I just have my grumpy old man instead.

    1. Give him a 'Bonio' from time to time; he'll be forever faithful.

  4. I remember your Monty, Bok and Freddie ..... such lovely animals { as is Billie ! } ..... and, what a wonderful name Miss Tadpole is ! We had animals when our children were at home but, when the pets had all died we decided not to have anymore ...... I got so upset when they died, I felt that I couldn't go through that again !

    1. That's the worst thing about pet-ownership, when they go it's heartbreaking.

  5. Billy has got you well trained. If he could talk, he'd say, "Get off that ****ing computer Granddad and take me for a walk!"

    1. He does talk, and his voice is 'Ear-Splitting-Shrill'.

  6. Never say never, my sister's dog was a great companion for my parents in their final year.

    1. It is quite feasible that Billy will outlive me! In fact, I hope he does.

  7. If you think cats and dogs curtail your freedom, imagine having a long lived parrot sharing your life! Marco will be 17 years old in September, so still quite a youngster. He's probably going to outlive us!! :)

    1. I imagine that Marco is easier to move around (in his cage), than a dog. With Billy we have to stop the car every so often so he can pee and stretch his legs. Marco would just flap his wings a bit, and moan. Yes, Parrots live to a grand old age!!!

  8. Having pets is the norm for us as well. They add to our lives with their personalities, devotion and lovely quirks. I will never be without a dog or two.

    1. I can't imagine being without one, but I expect the time will come.

  9. I remember your animals especially Freddy. I hope Billy lives to a ripe old age

    1. He certainly looks very healthy at the moment. He's about 5½ years old.

  10. Fond memories, they are the sustenance of life.

    1. I can never understand people who don't like dogs (or cats). They miss out on so much.
