Friday 5 July 2024



Firstly I'm disappointed with the Tory Party for getting themselves into such an unmitigated mess; all of their own making. Their losses were merited.

Secondly I'm disappointed with the public for believing Labour's promises; it's not unlike those famous Turkeys voting for Christmas! And what a Christmas it's going to be.

However, the UK still remains the world's 6th biggest economy, has a very low inflation level of 2.3%, and is currently the fastest growing economy in the G7. So, don't believe all that Labour has been telling you; Britain was doing quite well.

However, illegal immigration has been constantly increasing, and Rishi has continued to try to "Stop the Boats", whilst at the same time sending our Border Control boats to bring them in. The French just take our assistance money, and twiddle their thumbs. If Le Pen has any say, we can expect immigration figures to rise massively, and Labour will welcome them.

It's been far too easy for the Socialists to constantly vote against every serious proposal, but now they need to put their money where their mouths are, and show us how it should have been done. I suspect we might now see many of those Tory policies (that they previously rejected) being given a new pink tinge.

I for one will be extremely interested to see what happens. If they manage to achieve even a small part of their promises, without going broke (again), I shall be mightily impressed. But don't hold your breath. 

It's true that Starmer has attempted to shift the Labour Party to the right (as did Blair before him). He has expelled some of the more extreme left-wingers, and has 'attempted' to control Labour's traditional antisemitism, but let's now wait and see how this manifests itself in the real world. Corbyn is back in tow, and that says a lot.

However, I must admit that Starmer isn't all bad, and he definitely has my approval on two counts. Firstly he's a fellow confirmed atheist; and secondly he has two Jewish children, which means he cannot allow himself to be a Hamas supporter, unlike most of his other Labour Party members (and his buddy Corbyn, of course).

So, over to you, Keir; and good luck!


  1. He has MPs who were actively canvassing only a few days ago that the Labour Party would no longer be sending arms support to Israel after they won the election. I wonder what he will be saying to them. Will he expel them from the Party?

    1. Many attitudes and ambitions will probably change over the next few weeks. There are some pretty rough characters surrounding Starmer. I'm very sorry that Penny Mordaunt lost her seat.

  2. Replies
    1. We have many Jewish people in England, and they're all very welcome.

    2. Here are the kind of comments that will bring me back to blogland, the above commenter, how anti-Semitism is bubbling under the surface. It's hard to keep quiet. Thank you Cro.

  3. A bright new dawn. Labour has replaced the party of food banks, self-interest, Covid parties and private disdain for the NHS and state schooling. The British people have spoken and they have spoken wisely. As a lifelong Labour voter, I object to the phrase "Labour's traditional antisemitism" because it is utterly wrong and there is zero evidence for such an outrageous claim.

    1. That's why Starmer led a campaign to wipe out antisemitism. Of course it was there, and it still is. As for Covid parties, some of still remember the curry and beer party in Durham.

  4. It's a new era and one that will be interesting to watch develop. As someone nearing retirement but currently a business owner it's going to be a year of changes I should imagine. Oh well, what will be will be, as usual we just have to roll with the punches.

    1. As long as we can all cope with the tax rises, and as long as the money is wisely spent, we will probably survive until some more savvy people come along to tidy-up all the mess they leave behind.

    2. From what I have read about Starmer's and Rayner's intentions on employment law, being a small business owner sounds like all your worst nightmares come true, from minimum wage increases to racial equality monitoring. Maybe you should be looking at early retirement?

    3. Early retirement? I believe he will tax pensioners! If you have been cautious with earnings, savings, and investments, he will be coming for everything you've worked hard for. It's the classic 'sting the hard working' and give to the lazy. I cannot understand why people vote for this (other than the lazy).

  5. New beginnings and given your summary, Stammer does not sound all that bad.

    1. We'll see. The Socialists rarely leave things in a better state than when they took power. My fingers are crossed.

  6. Socialists always run out of other people's money, that's why they invariably have high taxes. I am struggling to think of a single high growth socialist country, even China resorted to capitalism to deliver it's high growth in recent years. So, Starmer and Rayner are on a hiding to nothing if in their fantasy world they think that their left wing socialist control freak agenda will deliver growth.

    1. I think that everyone knows this, but they simply don't care. As long as the 'Toffs' get higher taxes, they are happy. Of course it always ends with higher unemployment as well, and again they simply don't care. It's 'beer and sandwiches' at No 10 today; I'd love to be a fly on the wall!
