Friday 28 June 2024

Veggie week.

I rather enjoy eating 'veggie', as long as it satisfies all my needs. It must be tasty, reasonably filling, and (most importantly) not leave me desperate for some meat.

Our amusingly entitled dish 'Compost Fry-up' does all of the above. I always make it with the following vegs. Aubergine, Courgette, Potato, Green Beans, and Red Pepper. The Potatoes, Courgettes, and Beans are all cooked previously, but all the rest fried 'live', with the rest added later. I fry in Garlic Butter and Olive Oil, and right at the end I add a good teaspoon of Cumin Powder and S & P. You need a BIG frying pan. I suppose this must be our favourite veggie dish.

One of my other favourites from this week is Pizza. A simple recipe that uses a shop bought roll of fresh Pizza dough, with firstly some green Pesto, then sliced Tomatoes, plenty of Mozzarella, Anchovies, Olives, and a good splash of good Olive Oil. S & P. Basic fare, but Pizza as it should be (no pineapple chunks).

We have also eaten a favourite Spaghetti dish with garlic, tomato, and Capers. And we shall finish the week with a very simple Rice and Dhal with curried Aubergine chunks.

In between there have been stuffed baked Potatoes, and stuffed red Peppers with Brandade. And so as not to feel like aliens, we have also treated ourselves to some delicious extra large Fish Fingers.

If I was ever to start a Veggie Restaurant, it would have to be called 'The Compost Café', and the only thing on the menu would be my Compost Fry-up. I just know I would be over-run with customers!!!



  1. I will reply to any comments later; I need to buy a new Mouse!

  2. Why not use it as an opportunity to get used to the laptop touchpad? I didn't know anybody still relied on a mouse these days.

    1. I can't get-on with the touch pad; too long in the tooth!

  3. I think that you would be considered a pescatarian rather than a veggie with your twice!!

    1. Yes, I do have to have some fish every week.

  4. You could also call it "Cro's Nest" but I doubt that braised crow would be on the menu.

  5. That's a good fresh summertime meal. Once upon a time I presume it all came from Haddocks.
    Over here it's greek briam, similar...
    without the cumin and beans. Aubergine is in full season now, with lots of garlic, tomatoes, oil and the summer herbs basil, mint and parsley

    1. I love Aubergines in all their forms. I often slice them lengthways and fry in lots of olive oil, then leave to become tepid. Totally delicious. Yes, years ago everything was home grown.

  6. I eat a plant based diet, cows eat plants. Pizza dough is easy to make (with a stand mixer doing the heavy work.)

    1. The dough I buy is very good, I'm not a really a pastry maker!

  7. Before you mentioned opening a restaurant , I was going to suggest just that.
    Wouldn't cost an arm and a leg, bring your own wine. Just the right amount of food without feeling stuffed . I would be there every evening.
    No need to stay open after 5 pm because we would all be wanting our beds by 8.
    I might call it Riley's ,as in living the life of Riley.
    Need a partner, I am almost all in?

    1. Wouldn't we have fun; even if we didn't make any money!

    2. Well , I would bring some fun. It would be all about fun!

  8. Your meals always sound delicious.

    1. Probably because I really enjoy both cooking and eating.
