Tuesday 4 June 2024

The garden

When we return to France for the Summer, we will find our garden 'Ship-Shape'. Our new gardener has been doing a grand job, and we will find everything in pristine condition.

Every time he goes, he takes photos which he sends to us, so we know it is all looking splendid.

For the past two years we've being trying to get someone to mow, but either they couldn't be bothered, or were too busy. Now, at last, we have someone.

There is nothing worse than arriving back at a home that we left looking impeccable nine months previously, to find the grass over a metre high. My mower does a good job, but not with grass that high.

I believe that my phone/internet cable is still lying on the ground, and that my distant neighbour's temporary electricity connection is still coming from the back of our house, and is lying across a foot path. Such connections are allowed for a maximum of six months; his has been there for FIVE YEARS. I really must do something about it!!!

So, I'm looking forward to having a proper garden again, rather than just a few square meters of concrete and some climbing roses. I think Billy's looking forward to it too.



  1. How lovely to return to your home in France and it all looks ship shape. Have they had a wet winter/spring like we have had ? XXXX

    1. I think it's been much the same as here, and at present maybe just 2 degrees C ahead of us. I believe it will be raining when we arrive!

  2. Billy will certainly enjoy the freedom to roam and the grass to run around on! As will you!

    1. It's such a contrast to here in the UK. Total peace and quiet, hopefully some mushrooms in the woods, and outdoor cooking on the BBQ. Billy loves it too, although I don't think he's too keen on the journey.

  3. Another lovely summer ahead in the peacefulness of rural France. It's almost time to don your horizontal black and white stripy T-shirt and your beret.

    1. I've filled the 'Landing Craft' with petrol, and it's over the top on D Day.

    2. Remember Waterloo! We gave them Frenchies a helluva beating!

    3. My area of France was 'English' from 1154 to 1453. I think it's about time it was returned to us. If you would like to give me a hand.......

  4. Hope your cables have been buried, or whatever they have to do with them. Sounds as though you need to start a campaign of annoyance till they give in and get it done. I'm surprised your distant neighbour hasn't already done that

    1. They put in a brand new pole for the wires, but then did nothing more. I will get my ladder out and do it myself. As for my neighbour's TEMPORARY electrical connection; I shall have to have words with him about it. At present he just can't be bothered.

    2. Are you paying for his electricity as well as yours then?

    3. No, but his wires come from our connection. We did wonder at first!!!

  5. I hope you are headed to out soon.

  6. Arriving home in France to a beautiful landscape is the ideal. I'm glad you found a great reliable landscaper. You and Billy will be walking your favorite paths soon.

    1. I can't wait; very different to here. In France I meet no-one on my walks; here I need to stop all the time to natter, and allow folk to stroke Billy.

  7. I can't wait for photos either. Smiles and happy for you all! We can read the happy on here.

    1. Yes, we're getting excited (apart from the driving bit).
