Saturday 22 June 2024

Just Stop Oil (spray paints).


The dungaree-wearing 'Just stop oil' woke folk are missing a trick.

Instead of making everyone hate them, why not do the opposite and make people admire them?

I recently heard someone on the radio suggesting that they form a charity, and replace pensioners' draughty old windows with double glazing.

I have a better idea. Why not clean all that horrible oil-spray-paint graffiti from our inner city walls, and sign the job 'By courtesy of Just Save Oil'.

I for one would chip-in a few quid to their coffers! 


  1. I can't believe they sprayed painted Stonehenge. Completely insane. Don't mess with historic sites and any national treasures for f*** sake.
    Some one should visit their homes and spray paint their possessions orange.

    1. They really are a pain in the 'bottom'. How about painting them, themselves, totally orange?

  2. I'd contribute to any fund which saw the woke folk having to lick the orange paint off everywhere they've sprayed it!

    1. I'll second that, Cro! Painting their houses and possessions is a good idea too.
      I still want to know how they arrive at all these places without using the oil they are trying to "stop" - where exactly do they park their 4x4's?
