Tuesday 18 June 2024

Cause and Effect.

Here in France the 'Right' are becoming a serious problem for the 'Left'. They are incensed by their new popularity so they too have taken to the barricades (below). They don't do things by halves here in France.

It's an age old tradition. The Union leaders and the 'Extreme Left' dungaree-wearing lovies are marching the streets of Paris and elsewhere, against the advance of the jackbooted 'Extreme Right'.

The question, of course, is why are the 'Right' so angry, and are gathering in strength and popularity?

Well, as in many European countries, the 'Extreme Left' French Woke lovies wanted to allow as many illegal immigrants into the country as possible, and, as in the UK, they paraded with banners saying 'Les Immigrants Bienvenus'. And in they came.... in their droves!

Now that the consequences of their misguided 'welcome' is being seen everywhere, they are demonstrating against the demonstrators who are demonstrating against their original folly. If you see what I mean!

Matters will only be sorted after the next general election; when just about everyone will take to the streets. This IS France after all.

Bring out the guillotine: AUX ARMES CITOYENS!



  1. I thought that the French had long-standing immigrant problems in the banlieus?

    1. They've had problems as long as I've been bypassing Paris by car. All the roundabouts had immigrant campers on them, and rubbish everywhere. That was about 30 years ago. It's grown far worse since then.

  2. It may well be our turn next here in the (Not So Very) UK.

    1. The 'Left' do get very easily upset back in the UK. Any opportunity to smash a few windows or daub paint is rarely missed. The extreme 'Right' just shout, posture, and act like Football hooligans.

  3. Will there be enough barricades to go round? So that they can lend a few to those in the UK, who wish to start manning them in solidarity with the French protesters! I worry that there may not be enough dungarees to go round!

    1. They are opening more dungaree factories as I write. My way is to 'hoot' at each lot of protesters I come across. Their banners saying 'Please hoot if you support us' means nothing any more. I hoot at all-comers so I don't get a brick through my windscreen.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, but stand back and watch from a distance.

  5. I don't know about France but here in Great Britain "the left" have never indicated that they want an open door policy for immigrants. This is scurrilous nonsense put about by desperate Tory politicians and the Tory-owned newspapers that support them.

    1. Go to Google Images and search 'Immigrants welcome UK', you'll find hundreds of photos of the lovies marching. Unless, of course, they're all FAKE.

    2. If you check out Hope not Hate. They talk about the far right dividing communities. They continually attack those who want to protect our borders. The only way they know how to get their point across is to rubbish anyone with a different view. They offer no evidence to support that open borders are of benefit to patriots who were born here.

  6. During the Labour years of 1997 to 2010 immigration quadrupled and Britain expanded by 2.2 million immigrants, roughly a city the size of Birmingham. This has haunted Britain ever since and Blair admits his immigration policy was wrong and they miscalculated. I just read this in the Guardian.

    1. I'm sure the 'doogooders' felt they were being magnanimous, but as is often the case, things can have an opposite effect to that desired.

    2. Labour were warned that they had vastly under-estimated the numbers at the time.

    3. As I recall, one of the Blair era home secretaries was quoted as saying that they wanted mass immigration "to rub the Tory noses in it". Blunkett did at least eventually admit that their immigration policy was a disaster, but far too late. And now we have the consequences of more than 12 million extra people, with zero provision of any necessary infrastructure.

    4. That's right, and as we have seen above (YP), the left now wish to wash their hands of all responsibility, saying that it's all a plot by the right wing press. Some of us have long memories.

  7. I believe the key to successful immigration is integrating the new arrivals in to the workforce. Most are eager to work and build a better life. In the US, there are many jobs to be filled. For example, recently the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA hired many immigrants to work in their cafeteria, building maintenance and landscaping departments. Jobs provide income and ability to be self supporting. Best of all the new arrivals are productive and adding to the economy.

    1. Also one must avoid ghettoes forming. Immigrants should integrate into normal society, and not form cliques. They must learn the language and adopt our ways (as much as possible). I'm afraid that in many European countries they've done exactly the opposite.

    2. To achieve the integration that Susan desires, immigration must be restricted to low levels. If we look at past UK immigration over many decades prior to Blair's open doors, it was at low levels and the new arrivals did integrate rather than form ghettos. However, recent massive levels have destroyed this integration, and many of the previous immigrants are equally vehemently opposed to immigration on such a scale.
