Friday 7 June 2024

Back home again.

Driving down through France is always a pleasure. We found our Hotel quite easily, we managed to fill-up the car with petrol when needed, and apart from a few 'road works' that sent us down country lanes, we found our way without any glitches.

Our halfway-down Hotel is in Orléans. The Northern half of France is, frankly, not that interesting other than a few nice cathedrals. It's once one get's well into the Southern half that things change hugely. On the A20 'Occitane' motorway one finds the town of Brive la Gaillard. As one descends into the town one has a wonderful almost 180 degree view of the most magnificant landscape all around. It is as if one is descending from the peak of a very high hill. Beyond Brive one crosses the Dordogne Valley, then for us we turn off towards Gourdon, and then on to home.

The sun shone, it was warm, and Billy didn't complain once.

One thing we did notice when we turned off the A20 was that a lot of village signs were turned upside down. We imagined that some gang of cheeky wags must have been out on the sherbet, but there were so many of them that I think it must have been orchestrated. In fact I now know that it is a France-wide protest by French Young Farmers about the state of play. Good for them; Brussels has made an awful mess of European Agricultural policy.

The house is in a bad state, more was stolen than I'd imagined, and everything has a damp feeling about it. Goodness knows what the burglar had been doing here, he's been through everything. Luckily, certain things (that I won't mention) are still where I hid them. I was extremely relieved.

So, the fire has been lit, there is some wine in the house, and our water heater is working. I'll go shopping in the morning, and things will soon get back to normal.

For the moment, we're exhausted, hungry, and thirsty. Bon nuit!



  1. Glad the journey went well. You'll soon get things shipshape.

    1. Yes, but for the moment we are both 'shattered'. At my age I should be taking things easy, not driving hundreds of miles through foreign climes. But, hey!

  2. Glad to hear you got there safely - and, as you say, you will soon have things back to how you like them.

    1. At least we're warm and have a glass of wine to drink. It's actually very slightly raining at the moment, but tomorrow will be 28 C again.

  3. Have a wonderful time at home and everything will be back to how it was.

    1. It'll take a few days, but we'll get there.

  4. Glad the journey went well. Sorry that you have to arrive to find what has been stolen and messed with. I am sure you will soon have everything back to as normal as possible and hope you enjoy the summer months.

    1. The house needs to be aired, cleaned, and tidied, then all will be well.

  5. Welcome home... relax and enjoy!

  6. A good fire in the stove, good food in the belly and good wine on the tongue. Cheers to a brighter tomorrow. Rested and full of life. love Beth

  7. In a day or two, everything will be well ordered and you'll be comfortably in your ideal element.
    I bet Billy can't wait for his walk in France.

    1. I'll take him mushrooming this morning. Although I don't know if there'll be any mushrooms.

  8. That seemed quick. Does Lady M. go shopping with you or just have what you choose.

    1. I'm trying to get her to come this morning as she want to look at replacement TV's etc. We'll see.

  9. Glad you arrived in one piece. The burglary is a bummer. Little worse than one's space being invaded.

    Temperatures now being what they are open all doors and windows, let the breeze waft through and the damp smell will go.

    Happy days,

    1. Yes, everything is open, and it's a lovely warm day. Hopefully that will do the job.

  10. Good to know that you made it safely.
    Now your summer can begin properly!

    1. Still very tired, but by tomorrow we'll be fine.

  11. It is a long drive. Well done for getting there safely. To get you in the French mood, I hope you have been listening to some Charles Aznavour:-
    Toi, parée de mille et un attraits
    Je ne sais jamais qui tu es
    Tu changes si souvent de visage et d'aspect
    Toi, quel que soit ton âge et ton nom
    Tu es un ange ou le démon
    Quand pour moi, tu prends tour à tour
    Tous les visages de l'amour

  12. Glad to hear you had a good journey home. Enjoy your wine. Sounds as though you have some cleaning to do. And pool prep. And then swimming in the pool!!

    1. I'll leave the pool for a while; too much work. There's a Toad living on the cover too!

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you , it's lovely to be here. The silence is amazing.

  14. Miss our French home so much but I don't miss that journey - it's a long way down! Hope you both have a wonderful summer x

    1. The older I get, the more tiring it becomes. Even all of yesterday we were still exhausted. Today we can relax a bit more.
